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A/N: It occurs to me that today is Valentines Day, so I will not be doing a horror special. Instead, have some SinniexEdmund and SebaCiel fluff.
Edmund's pov:
I really want to do something special for Sinnie. Her life is so messed up right now, I just really want to take her mind off things. So, Sebastian and I are taking Sinnie and Ciel on double dates!
Of course, I had to talk Sebastian into it. Finally, he agreed(despite the abnormality of his relationship in this time period.).
We woke Sinnie and Ciel up around ten. Ciel was rather mad we'd let him sleep in so late, but he instantly cheered up when we brought them a large chocolate cake. Sinnie was so confused! Her face was priceless.
I sat beside her on the bed as she picked up her small fork and took a bite of the cake. Her face brightened and she looked at me happily.
"It's-" she stopped and touched her neck, puzzled. Her voice was scratchy and quiet, almost a rasp. I gave her a concerned look and handed her a cup of honey tea.
"Drink this. Maybe it'll help." I pushed her hair back from her forehead, revealing her beautiful eyes. She was rather flushed and her head was slightly warm. I leaned down to whisper in her ear.
"Are you okay? I had a date planned for today, but we can hang out here if you don't feel good." I whispered. She gasped and shook her head.
"I want to go on the date! We never go out anymore!" she said in her raspy voice. I bit my lip and sighed.
"Okay, but if you so much as cough, I'm bringing you home." I promised. She giggled and nodded. Ciel watched her carefully and shrugged.
"Very well. Have fun, you two." he said. Sebastian smirked evilly.
"Oh, but young master, we're going with them. It's a double date, you see. Everything's been arranged already. It would be impolite to decline." Sebastian said. Ciel stared at him as if he was a ghastly rodent that crawled over Ciel's foot.
"What if we're seen by Elizabeth? She'll kill us." Ciel said. Sinnie squeaked and made some crazy hand gestures that none of us understood. Finally she threw her hands up in defeat and fell back on a pillow. I chuckled and lifted her up bridal style. Sebastian did the same for Ciel, who's face was now rather red.
We left the mansion in style, flying from roof to roof, over trees, and around buildings. We landed in town square, near an old inn. We opened the door and headed inside. Sinnie looked around in wonder. I put an arm around her and filled her in on the history of the inn.
It was a small one, and old. Very old. It's only ever been renovated once. The workers here are very old-fashioned. It's an Italian inn, passed down through one family. It's still a favorite of many commoners, and the food is wonderful.
Sebastian checked us in and we got a table near a window. Sinnie and I on one side, Sebastian and Ciel on the other. Ciel seemed rather uncomfortable, and his face was very red. He kept glancing to the sides and out the window. I snickered under my breath and leaned in close to Sinnie.
"What do you want to eat?" I asked, my lips almost touching her ear. A shiver went through her and her ears turned bright red. Suddenly rigid, she leaned forward, perfecting her posture. That was precisely the reaction I wanted. It meant she was trying to impress. Otherwise, she would just slouch around. She opened her menu and pointed at a classic: Spaghetti and Meat Balls. I nodded and looked up as the waiter came by.
"Orders for the young couple and the-" she did a double-take when she saw Sebastian and Ciel. "Err... Orders?"
"I'd like alfredo pasta please. He'd like the spaghetti and meat balls." Sebastian ordered for himself and Ciel. I went next.
"Two orders of Spaghetti and meat balls for us please. And bring the lady some tea." I said, nudging Sinnie and grinning. She nodded and smiled at the waitress. She just nodded and walked away nonchalantly. Ciel was obviously deeply bothered by this.
I wonder what's running through his rich little head.

Ciel's pov:
Oh my gosh. I can't believe I'm doing this. I can't be seen like this. I'll be a laughing stock. What if Lizzy sees us. She'll dump me. This is abnormal. Two men can't go on a date. It's one thing to- you know... It's an entirely different thing to date publicly. This doesn't happen. We'll be social outcasts. It's a disgrace to the Phantomhive name. I don't deserve to be a Phantomhive. I can't believe this. WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE?????!!!!!!!

Sinnie's pov:
While it sucked that my voice wasn't working, I was having a lot of fun. I relaxed a bit when the waitress brought our food. Ciel just sat still and stared at his food strangely. I smirked, knowing he'd never done this before.
He finally raised his fork shakily and fumbled with the noodles. Sebastian watched him calmly, a small smile on his face. Finally, he took the fork from my failing brother and scooped up some Spaghetti.
"Allow me, young master." he said, holding up the food. Ciel pinched his lips together and glanced away before opening his mouth. Sebastian tilted his chin up and fed Ciel, never breaking eye contact. Ciel's face grew steadily redder by the minute. I giggled and ate my food. Edmund put an arm around me and held me close. I needed to cough. I knew this much. But he stuck by his promises. If I coughed, Edmund would take me home.
I was having too much fun to go home. I wasn't ready yet. Finally, toward the end of our meal, I let out one small cough. Edmund froze and looked over at me. I smiled sweetly and shrugged. He pushed my hair back to feel my head. He knit his eyebrows worriedly.
"You're really hot, Sinnie. In more ways than one today. We need to go home. Sebastian, you and Ciel enjoy the rest of the day. I need to take care of Sinnie." Edmund said. He bit his lip and we got up. Ciel shot me a helpless look that pretty much said save-me-i'm-a-goner. I felt bad for him, but I knew he was secretly having fun.
Edmund carried me all the way home. My coughing got worse. By the time we got to my room, I was flushed red and my fever had risen. I broke out in random coughing fits every few minutes. Edmund brought me tea and a cold rag for my forehead. Then he climbed on the bed and laid beside me. He propped himself up to look at me.
"I'm sorry our date didn't go as planned." Edmund said. I shook my head.
"Don't apologize. It was incredibly sweet of you to think of me. My immune system just had bad timing to decide to be sick." I knew there was something illogical about what I said. Edmund smirk and brushed my hair behind my ear.
"Your hair has gotten really long. It reaches your mid back now." he said. "I like it. It reminds me of when we were little. Your hair was down to your butt then." I smiled and nodded.
"I remember. It got so tangled sometimes that we'd have to find someone to help us brush it out." I recalled.
Edmund bent over me and kissed my cheek. I looked at him quizzically.
"Aren't you afraid of becoming sick?" I asked in confusion. He grinned.
"I'm a demon. Let's test my limits." he said. I smirked and nodded, pulling him down into a big kiss on the lips.

Ciel's pov:
I worried about Sinnie a lot after she left. Sebastian and I walked around town, taking in the sights. I was really enjoying myself, but I felt weird. I didn't want anyone to see me.
I would die if I ruined the Phantomhive name. I knew I shouldn't fall for Sebastian. Something told me he was just using me.
Either way, I allowed him to grab my hand as we walked. We looked in many shops. Sebastian gave me a small teddy bear with a card that said "If you pay to get in, I'll get you out of it too." I had no idea what that meant, but I assumed it meant something disgusting. So I slipped the note into my pocket.
Finally, we were on our way home, taking our time as we walked back. We stopped outside the gate, watching the snow. Finally, Sebastian spun me around and leaned down to look me in the eyes.
"I love you, young master. I won't take your soul. I will protect you until the end of time." he said, causing my face to flush. I clicked my tongue and looked to the side.
"Whatever." I said. I opened my mouth to say something, but then we were kissing in the snow and whatever I was going to say was never spoken.
If you ask me, we had a pretty great valentines day.
A/N: Yup. That's all I could come up with. I'm too forever alone and tired and sick for this.
I lost my voice, by the way. I don't know where it went, but I've looked everywhere. It's no where to be found.
I think the helium stole it. Thanks a lot, Helium. You may make my voice sound awesome, but you're a devil on the inside.
I'm a freak, hah. Anyway, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!

Macks-chan's interview:
Me: So, Edmund, what had you planned for Sinnie?
Edmund: I was going to take her around town and out on a lake. We were going to look at the stars together like we would when we were young.
Sinnie: THAT SOUNDS LOVELY!!! Damn you, Macks-chan! Why'd you have to give me your sickness?!
Me: Sorry bout that.
Edmund: It's okay. I'll always be with you, Sinnie. In sickness and in health.
Sinnie: Oh, Edmund!
Me: OKAY! Jeerius Christ, get a room! Ciel, did you like your date?
Ciel: It was very fun. I would have liked some notice, but I enjoyed myself.
Sebastian: Young Master, the point in a surprise date is that you don't have any notice. Its a surprise.
Ciel: Well, don't give me surprise dates. And what the hell did that card mean?
Sebastian: Young Master, you truly are too innocent.
Ciel: Then why don't you ruin my innocence?
Sebastian: Don't mind if I do...

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