Always expect the unexpected.

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Nightmares haunted my dreams for as long as I slept. I don't know exactly how long that was, but it felt like an eternity. More than once, I found myself wondering if I was dead. I thought this was God's way of punishing me for giving in to that bastard. He's a liar and a cheat. I hope he was taken care of. Permanently.
Eventually, I did wake up from my eternal sleep. And no, it wasn't like it is in fairy tales. No awakening kiss or gentle resurrection. I simply fell out of my sleep. Quite literally.
I awoke when I fell out of bed and knocked my head on a dresser. A hand was offered immediately, but not by a handsome prince. Instead, it was offered by a rather grumpy Ciel. He thrust his hand out to me and lugged me up in a very ungentlemanly way.
"Gee, thanks." I said sarcastically, rubbing my head. "I feel like led. How long was I out?" I stretched and tried to massage the tired feeling out of my head.
"About a week. You've been awake here and there, but for no longer than thirty minutes at a time. I've been growing worried. You don't seem to remember your times awake. We've all been wondering when you would wake up for good." Ciel smirked at me. He didn't seem quite so grumpy now; more like relieved.
"I'm sorry I worried everyone. I was out of line." I hung my head, embarrassed. Ciel stepped forward and brushed a stray clump of hair behind my ear.
"No need to apologize. That experience must have been traumatic. I apologize for not getting there sooner. You almost died. You would have, if Grell hadn't decided you were worth saving. You were raped and left for dead. I'm not fit to be your brother." Ciel put his head down, letting his bangs cover his eyes. We both do that when we're trying to hide our feelings. "Nothing but hatred consumes my heart. There's no room for a strong relationship among siblings to take hold. I apologize. It's all my fault." Then I slapped him. That's right. My temper rose to the point of explosion. I pulled my hand back and slapped him across the face. He held his cheek in astonishment.
"Don't you dare say such horrible things! I love you, Ciel! You have every right to be my brother! You're a great brother!" I scolded him by complimenting him. Great plan, Sinnie.
"N-no one's ever struck me before." Ciel said, obviously confused. My face turned red and I raised my hands in defeat, plopping down in a chair.
"Always expect the unexpected!" I exclaimed. "Someone obviously needed to, you spoiled brat! Not everything is about you! You act as if everyone around you is scum and you're on top! Put a sock in it and smile for a change! You're much cuter when you smile! I've heard Sebastian say he misses your smile. Even the damn demons like your smile. Obviously you need to stop worrying and start living again. I know hatred doesn't consume your heart. You just can't bear for anything else to exist in your numb shell of a body! I'm sorry if this is harsh, but you need to woman up, Ciel! Show some feeling! Give yourself a few layers! Don't doubt yourself! You're related to me!!! Obviously you're capable of being cheerful! Don't blame yourself for everything!!!" I have no idea where that speech came from, but I'm glad I said it. It had needed to be said. Ciel needs to get his priorities straight.
"I-I-I-I-" he stuttered, still holding his cheek. "I understand, sister. I'm sorry. I'll be going now. Edmund will be in shortly." Ciel left in a sort of daze. I guess no one's ever stood up to him like that before. He seemed rather confused by all of it. I guess it takes a Phantomhive to stand up to a Phantomhive.
As Ciel said, Edmund was in soon. He embraced me upon sight and kissed my cheek. We sat on the bed and talked about random stuff. Edmund seemed to be avoiding the subject of last week's events for my sake. However, by the end of the evening, he had to bring it up.
"So, is it hard?" he asked, rubbing his neck nervously.
"What?" I asked, eyes widening.
"Is it hard to cope? You know, considering all that happened." Edmund bit his lip and looked at me nervously. I shook my head.
"Kind of. Not really, though. It's not like he hasn't tried to do it before. He's never succeeded, but I used to have nightmares about how it would go. I- I find it hard to realize my nightmares came true. It all kind of feels like a bad dream, you know?" I tried to laugh, but it didn't sound right. It was too forced and, without realizing it, I had started to cry. Edmund put an arm around me, pulling me close. He was being awfully friendly.
"It's okay. The nightmare is over, now. That man got away but, I'll catch him. I swear I'll put an end to him. For my family, my sister, and most of all, you. I love you, Sinnie. I'm so glad I can finally say that openly." He leaned down and kissed the top of my head. I pushed myself closer to him and buried my face in his chest.
"I love you, too, Eddy. I- I really do." I whispered against his chest.
After that, Edmund still played the part of my butler, but it was clear to everyone that we were a couple. Edmund would leave every night around the same time. It worried me. His behavior was rather odd. About a week passed without event. Word traveled about my incident and it was all over the headlines. Apparently, Ciel hadn't really cared so much about his status by the point of finding out who that man was. He had apparently cornered James in the ball room and yelled at him for his father's actions. James had been horrified by his father and started wondering if he was even a legitimate child of Earl Kansby. By the end of the night, grief and sorrow consumed him and he threw himself off the roof. At the moment, he's in the hospital. No one knows if he'll ever wake up though.
According to Ciel, I would've died from the poison and blood loss if it weren't for the reapers. They showed up and cleansed my body, insisting that it wasn't my time yet. Grell had apparently convinced Will of this. I would be forever grateful to them. However, sometimes I kind of wish I would've died, fore after two weeks of being awake, some events began to take place.
I awoke one morning in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. My stomach hurt and I felt like I was going to be sick. Edmund was there in a second, pulling my hair back and placing a bucket in front of me. I vomited so much I thought I would surely puke up some inner organs. By the end of the morning, though, I felt fine. I thought it was odd, so I went to Meyrin to ask her about it.
"Meyrin, I don't think it's a normal sickness. I wouldn't feel fine now if it was." I said. She looked at me quizzically.
"Do you feel absolutely fine now?" she asked. I nodded. "Have you been drinking your milk?" I shook my head. I hate milk. She thought for a moment.
"What is it, Meyrin?! I have to know what's wrong with me!" I exclaimed. She sighed.
"You won't like what I have to say." she said, eyeing me. I shrugged.
"I don't care! I have to know!" I yelled. She nodded and put a hand on my shoulder.
"Then I'll tell you what I think. I think you had morning sickness. And morning sickness is a prime sign of pregnancy. I think you've got a baby on the way." And thus, my world came crashing down. The tears fell quickly and I fell to my knees. My body shook with sobs and Meyrin knelt down to help me.
"I- I can't have a baby on the way! I'm only fourteen! I- I can't go through that! Especially not with his baby! I can't! Please, Meyrin! Help me! I have to get rid of it!" I cried. She shook her head.
"The only way to get rid of it is to have your uterus removed. Then you wouldn't ever be able to have a baby." she said, making me cry even harder. She rubbed my back. "Hold on, I'll call Ciel down here." I reached up and grabbed her hand, shaking my head.
"No! I can't tell him yet! I have to find a way to break the news. If I can't get rid of it, then I'll just have to keep it." I said. Meyrin stood and offered me a hand. I got to my feet and thanked her for helping me figure out what's wrong with me. Then I walked up to my room to figure out how to tell everyone. I decided I needed some help, so I scribbled a quick note to everyone and left for Alois's house.
I arrived quickly and started knocking on the door frantically.
Knock, knock, knock. "Alois!" Knock, knock, knock. "Alois!" (A/N: If anyone gets that reference, I will hug you.)Claude opened the door and I rushed inside without waiting to be invited in.
"Alois! Alois, I need your help!" I yelled. He peeked out from the stairs and came down the stairs. He hugged me quickly before pulling back.
"What's wrong?" he asked. I bit my lip and shuffled my feet.
"I- I have a secret and I don't know how to tell everyone. I'm really close to you, so I thought I'd start here. I also hoped you could help me tell Ciel and Edmund." I said carefully. He put a hand on my shoulder and gazed at me kindly.
"You can tell me anything, Sinnie. No matter how bad it is. I'll help you sort things out." Alois smiled at me. I nodded.
"Thank you. Promise me you won't overreact." I said. He promised and I took a deep breath. "Okay, here goes... Alois, I'm pregnant." He was silent for a moment. I hoped I hadn't been to quick to tell him. I wasn't even entirely sure yet.
"What? Y-you're p-p-pregnant? H-how did that happen?" he seemed astonished. I could tell he was trying not to overreact. I hung my head.
"I'm a victim to the laws of nature." I said quietly. "I was raped a few weeks ago, remember? I hate it, but there's nothing I can do. I- I don't know how to tell everyone." I started sniffling and Alois hugged me. Keeping his arms around me, he whispered in my ear.
"We'll figure this out. I'll do all I can to help you. I'm so sorry, Sinnie." he stroked my head. "You don't deserve this level of defilement."
I wiped my eyes and pulled away from Alois. We spent the rest of the evening trying to figure out the best way to break the news to Ciel without him blowing up. I was feeling very tired and Alois rubbed my back.
"Hey, Sinnie, why don't you go to sleep now?" he asked. "I'll escort you to the guest room." I subconsciously nodded and Alois helped me over to the guest room. I didn't even change out of my clothes before I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.
The next morning, I woke up with the same morning sickness as before. I could hardly leave the restroom. Alois stayed by my side, having Claude bring water and stuff. After about two hours of that, however, I felt fine. Alois brought me some clothes to wear and I changed quickly. When I went downstairs, Claude had a phone call waiting for me.
"Hello?" I answered the phone cautiously. A sigh of relief filtered through the line.
"I'm so glad you're safe. I was worried when you didn't come home last night. Your note said you had things to sort out. Did you get everything in order?" Edmund asked. I bit my lip, wondering what to say.
"Yes, I did." I began. "In fact, could you come get me from Alois' house? I have something to talk to you about before we get home."
"Of course! I'll be there in an hour, tops." he promised. I smiled to myself. He's so determined sometimes.
"Thanks, Eddy." I thanked him and hung up.
Alois helped me gather all my belongings together. Then we sat in his dining room and just talked about random things. I had decided I would tell Edmund while we were on our way home. I wanted him to know first. He would feel left out if I told anyone else first. He'd already be a bit mad that I told Alois before him.
Edmund arrived precisely 59 minutes after we ended the call. I thanked Alois for helping me and hugged him good bye. Then I climbed up awkwardly on Edmund's horse. He jumped up behind me and we headed out.
"So what did you need to talk to me about?" Edmund asked. I bit my lip and glanced back at him nervously.
"I-It's hard to say, but I don't want to keep it from you. I've been feeling very sick in the mornings. However, I don't often feel sick in the afternoon or evening. Meyrin thinks it's morning sickness." I paused and glanced back again. "She thinks I'm pregnant. And I have to agree with her that the signs are there. If I start craving odd foods or gaining weight, then we'll pretty much know for sure. I think I'm pregnant, Edmund. I'm sorry." Edmund stopped the horse abruptly and was silent for a moment before he spoke.
"I was afraid of this." he began. "However, I suspected as much. The signs do add up. But you have nothing to be sorry about. That child is yours. I understand it's a hard experience to go through at fourteen. I couldn't imagine the conflicted feelings you must have. But that child is yours, not just his. Hopefully, the kid will look and act a lot more like you than you-know-who, but either way. The kid is still yours. Just keep it away from you-know-who and I'm sure everything will be fine. I still love you. I'm sure everyone will accept this. Don't worry." He smiled at me as I turned to meet his eyes. Then he leaned in for a kiss. I kissed him lightly and smiled.
"Then lets go spread the word." I whispered, meeting Edmund's eyes again. He nodded and we rode off in the direction of Phantomhive Mansion.
I hadn't expected to get pregnant. However, I suppose it does well to always expect the unexpected.
A/N: Okay, so looks like things are heating up! Wonder what'll happen in the next chapter. At this point, even I don't know what will happen. I did NOT expect her to wind up pregnant. That was totally not supposed to happen, but hey! "Always expect the unexpected". I'm gonna start interviewing the characters every once in a while, so let's go!

Author's Interviews:

Me: So, Sinnie... How does this chapter make you feel?

Sinnie: Well, I feel like this is a good moral. Although, I DO NOT LIKE WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!!!! How could you do that?! Rude and disrespectful!!!

Me: Sorry. I didn't even expect this. I'm not the one writing it. Wait... Yas I am... Oh well.

Sinnie and Me: BYE!!!!

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