The Servants

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A/N: Hey guys! It's pretty slow right now, sorry! I'm trying to introduce all the characters right now. Anyways, meet the servants! Meyrin, Finnian, and Bardroy. Possibly Tanaka in this chapter as well. Anyways, short author note! Have fun! Enjoy! Comment! Criticize! Please no death threats, however!


"Charles, do you know where they are?" I asked after thirty minutes of searching.

"No, Mistress. I believe Finnian is out in the front garden, though." Charles replied. I turned and headed to the garden. I opened the door cautiously and walked out. The last thing I needed was for the cold air to make my asthma act up. I walked out without even grabbing my cloak. I could see a boy standing there. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He had a straw hat hanging on his neck and his clothes were grass-stained. I walked out and immediately started coughing. Charles came out a moment later with my cloak. The boy was running towards us now.

"Master!" he yelled. He stopped in front of us, confused. Charles helped me up and had me take deep breaths to even out the coughing.

"In and out, Mistress, deep breaths." I listened to him and soon enough, it had worked. My asthma was awful in the cold air. The boy still seemed confused.

"Mistress? How are you Mistress? Master, why are you wearing a dress?" he asked rapidly, not stopping for answers.

"Finny, calm down, kid." Charles said in that playful voice of his.

"Hello, Finny. I'm Sinnie. Sinnie Phantomhive. Sorry for the confusion. I'm Ciel's twin sister." I explained. "We were separated as babies. I don't like to talk about it. Anyways, nice to meet you." I held out my hand. He took it extra carefully and shook my hand. He still seemed rather confused. He pointed at my mark, but I shook my head and he dropped it.

"Okay, then. Nice to meet you, Sinnie. I hope you have fun here at the Phantomhive manor!" he was so cheerful. Realization dawned on his face. "Oh! I'm so sorry about that! I didn't realize what I was saying! Sorry, my lady!" He bowed and his cheeks grew red. I stepped back, surprised. Charles caught me as I fell.

"Oh, sorry!" I scrambled to my feet. "And it's fine, really, Finny. I forgot I was a noble is all. If you want, you can call me Sinnie. I really don't mind." I said. Finny's eyes grew wide and he nodded.

"Thank you, Sinnie! You're a wonderful person!" Finny exclaimed. "Oh, you should meet Bard and Meyrin. She's in the front hall and Bard is in the kitchen I think." He pointed at the door. I nodded and waved good bye as Charles and I walked inside. Charles hung my coat up for me and I looked around for Meyrin. A scream emitted from the hall and a girl with purple red hair and round glasses came speeding out with a cart full of dirty dishes. Charles was fast as lightning. He lunged forward, stopping the cart before the dishes were broken, and caught Meyrin as she fell from the cart. She got up, blushing furiously.

"I'm so sorry, I am! Are you a business associate?" she looked up at Charles and instantly blushed again. I suppose he did have a nice face, if you thought about it. Maybe it was a demon thing.

"Meyrin, I'm a butler here. I'm specifically assigned to the young mistress. I am Charles O'Dzivouik." Charles introduced himself with a slight bow. She glanced over at me and gasped.

"Y-young mistress? B-but since when-?" she stuttered through the sentence clumsily. Charles caught her shoulders. And she stopped.

"This is the young mistress, Sinnie Phantomhive." Charles said. I stepped forward.

"Hello, Meyrin. I'm Sinnie. I'm Ciel's twin sister. We were separated as babies when I was kidnapped by a cult that I just recently got away from. I don't talk about it much, though, so if you could refrain from prying." I smiled warmly at her and tried not to scream and run away hiding. I hated talking to new people! What was I thinking?!

"Oh, alright! Nice to meet you, Lady Sinnie! I hope you fit right in here at the Phantomhive manor, I do!" Meyrin smiled at me and shook my hand. I nodded and thanked her. Suddenly a gruff voice called out.

"Oi! Meyrin! You got them dishes done yet?!" A man with short blonde hair and a straw piece in his mouth walked out from the hall. He stopped when he saw Charles and I. Charles stepped in front of me slightly and held out a hand to this man.

"Hello. I'm the new butler, Charles. I've been mainly assigned to the young mistress. She is my responsibility." he seemed a bit protective to be honest.

"I'm Sinnie Phantomhive, Ciel's twin sister. We were separated as babies. I don't enjoy speaking of it. Please don't ask." I said calmly, sliding out from behind Charles.

"I'm Bard, the manor's chef. Nice to meet you." Bard said. I nodded and thanked him.

"Ho, ho, ho." I turned to see a very small old man holding a tea cup.

"That's Tanaka! He's not of much help in his current state." Meyrin explained. I nodded thoughtfully and shrugged.

"Charles, what time is it? I'd like to take a bath before I retire." I said. Charles pulled out a pocket watch from his coat pocket.

"It's eight:fourteen." Charles replied. I nodded. Then I bid everyone farewell for the evening and went back to my new room. I had Charles draw a bath and I soaked in it for a while. When I was out, I dressed in a simple, silk night gown of silver and gold colors. Charles stood by the bed now, waiting to pull the cover up on me. I climbed into bed and he pulled it up around me, tucking me in tight. My little stuffed dog laid on the pillow next to me and I snuggled it close. Charles stood there, watching till I fell asleep. After that, I'm sure he left. He had things to do for tomorrow. I wondered if he even needed sleep. I wondered if he even had a room.

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