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I was having a normal day for once, until Edmund approached me about the hypnosis.

"So when are we going to do that thing?" he asked. I sighed and glared at him.

"Well I'd be more willing to do it if you'd give me some space!" I rubbed my temples. "Fine. Let's do it now, then." We went to my room and I laid down on my bed. Edmund set up a flashing light over my closed eyelids and recited in a monotoned voice.

"You will fall asleep at my command. You will regain your memories at my command. Now then, you're getting sleepier and sleepier. When I snap my fingers, you'll fall asleep, and you'll remember everything. Every memory that's ever faded from your mind will return to you, and your memory will be absolutely perfect. Once every memory has returned, you will wake up. Now... SLEEP!" he snapped his fingers and I instantly drifted off. Within five seconds, memories were surging back to me. I could remember everything. Playing catch with Edmund and stealing stuff with Alois. I could remember a terrible fire where Luka died. I could remember being stolen from Alois, and then saved by Edmund. Then I could remember being taken from Edmund forcefully, right after finding out he was a demon. I could remember roaming the villages with Edmund and I could remember seeing my parents multiple times with Alois. I only ever got close to them once though, and that's when the man took me away again. Then something odd happened. I could remember screaming as a strange man grabbed me and dragged me away from home. I could remember a loving mother's warm embrace as she rocked me and sang me a lullaby before bed. I could remember learning to army crawl early, and crawling right out of the crib. I could remember getting my hands on a toy train and throwing it at Ciel's head. I could remember crying because I felt bad about giving him a black eye. I could remember sleeping in the crib next to him, crying myself to sleep because I wanted to sleep in the same crib as him. I could remember sucking down bottles faster than any other baby. I could remember sucking a binkie so much that everyone was sure I'd have buck teeth. I could remember my father getting me and Ciel confused, trying to throw a tiny toy football at a two-month-old baby girl. I could remember being operated on at birth thanks to an early asthma attack that almost completely stopped my heart. I could remember everything.

Suddenly, my eyes shot open.

"I remember everything!" I exclaimed. Edmund smiled and turned off the light.

"Really?! That's great!" he exclaimed. I shook my head quickly.

"Yes, but something odd happened. I remembered more than just my missing memories from when I was five to when I was eight. I also remember my faded memories from when I was a baby. I remember being born and having a bad asthma attack almost right away. I remember almost dying. I remember more than everything." I explained. Edmund furrowed his brows.

"Maybe I worded it weird." he said. I shook my head.

"No. I don't think so. I think I'm meant to remember this for some reason. I think it went back that far so I would remember what dying was like. So I'd be more careful and cherish what I have." I explained. Edmund smirked at me and stared with intense eyes. "What?" I asked. He shook his head and turned around.

"You." he replied before walking out the door and leaving me even more confused than ever. What the hell was that supposed to mean?! Was he mocking me? Did he dare mock me?! Sinnie Phantomhive?!!! I'll show him! Or maybe... Maybe he meant something else...


A/N: Short chapter this time! Sorry, but the next chapter will be longer!!! I promise!! Anyway, thanks to those of you who actually read this. Which at the moment is like, two people. Thank you, to those two people!!! Y'all are epicly awesome sauce! Please excuse my weirdness, btw. XD Please vote and/or comment! It really means a lot to me! Sorry if my writing is crap. Please tell me if it is, btw. I'd like to know whether or not my writing is absolutely craptastic! Lol anyways, I'll try to update earlier next time! ENJOY MY FANFICTIONS!!!! I also have a vampire knight one called Our Love, Forbidden, if you'd like to check it out. Thanks. Bye now, ya hear?! XD

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