It Can Wait

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A/N: Hey guys! So now you know a little about her past and you know a lot more about Charles/Edmund. Earlier today, I slid on the ground and now my hand burns badly. It really hurts. Oh well. I was recognized by at least four people at the mall today because I wore my wig! It was awesome! Anyways, enjoy the chapter. Remember to comment!


I sat up quickly and fell off the bed. It was too much. I couldn't handle this. How was it possible that the very demon I summoned was the boy I used to live with? Did I know he was a demon back then? Did I just accept it? Why did I lose all my memories of him and Alois? It's just not fair! A knock sounded at the door.

"Sinnie?" It was Lizzy's voice. I got up shakily and walked to the door. I opened it and peered at Lizzy irritably.

"What do you want, Lizzy?" I let her in and we sat on the bed, side by side.

"Oh, well... You see... I wanted to talk. You just... You seem to have so much on your mind, despite your cute smile, and I wanted to know if you would talk to me about it." she said.

"Why?" I asked angrily, realizing I was just grouchy because I woke up like I did.

"Well, I- I thought maybe I could help you." she seemed nervous to talk to me.

"Where's Edmund? I wish to speak with him." I said, realizing my mistake too late.

"Edmund?" Lizzy looked at me, confused.

"Oh, uh... He's my little stuffed dog! I'm sorry. I should have realized that you wouldn't know what I was talking about!" I laughed nervously before continuing. "Oh, sorry for being so grouchy! I fell off the bed. Anyways, I don't have anything on my mind!"


"That came out wrong! I have stuff on my mind but it's nothing important or anything. That kind of talk can wait! Let's go do something! I want to play a game!" I accidentally yelled.

"Uh, okay. I like games." Lizzy replied.

"Okay! Let's play chess! I'm undefeated at it!" I said. Lizzy scoffed slightly.

"Okay then, obviously you haven't played against Ciel! It can wait for you and I to play. You have to play against him! See if you can keep your streak against a master." she seemed rather confident in Ciel's skills.

"Okay. Take me to Ciel." I said.

"So you want to play chess against me?" Ciel smirked when I told him.

"Lizzy says you could beat me easily. I doubt it. Let's play." I grinned. He smirked and met my eyes with a sideways glance.

"Very well. Set it up, Sebastian." he looked at Sebastian and Sebastian bowed.

"Yes, my lord." he said. Ten minutes later, me and Ciel were starting a game of chess. It was very close at first. Ciel was really good! He really was a master. He pulled ahead, but I set the game up. I took my pawns and moved them around the board, easily overtaking Ciel. Finally, I took his queen and called check mate.

"Check mate." I said, smirking at him. "I knew I could beat you." Ciel's cheeks turned red and he clenched his fists.

"No fair! You set me up! You must have cheated! I'm Ciel Phantomhive! I don't lose!" he was getting very angry and competitive over this. We wound up playing five whole matches before he gave up.

"Check mate." I said after the last match. Ciel slammed his fist down on the table and shouted in exasperation before slumping back in his chair.

"Fine. You're right. I can't beat you." he finally admitted. I was rather surprised, he had admitted defeat after only six matches.

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