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I was still confused by Edmund's abrupt leave after the hypnosis. Now that I remembered everything, though, I missed my parents even worse. I randomly broke down, crying on my bed. Ciel knocked at the door. After two tries without an answer, he entered anyway.

"Err... Sinnie?" he sat on the edge of the bed. I wiped my face and looked at him.

"Yes, Ciel?" I asked, sniffling.

"Well, I heard some crying. I-I care about you. I am your brother. So, I uh... I figured I'd see if I could provide some comfort to you?" he seemed nervous. I shook my head.

"No, it... It's nothing. I promise." I said. "I was just remembering all that happened to me. Sorry for worrying you." I wiped my eyes one more time. He looked like he wanted to say more, but instead he just nodded and left the room. I continued to sniffle, but I wasn't exactly crying anymore.

Something hurt. I'm not sure exactly what, but my chest felt tight and I had an overwhelming sense of sadness. It had appeared just after Edmund left.

I brought my hand up to my mouth in surprise, thinking about my memories that had suddenly returned.

Not only memories had returned, though. All of my feelings had returned as well. Abandonment, sadness, curiosity, anger. And good feelings, too. Happiness, cheer, excitement, joy, and something else. What was it? Could it possibly be... Love?

I could remember all that time I spent with both Alois and Edmund. That's right... Alois... That's why I hadn't recognized his name, but he himself had seemed so familiar! His real name was Jim. Why does he go by Alois now? And he was an orphan, living with his brother. Was he adopted by the previous Earl Trancy?

And Edmund. He had treated me so kindly, no matter how obnoxious I was. He refused to leave me even after his transformation took place, and I had been too self-absorbed to realize how much pain he was in. He bought me food and even took on a part-time job so he could support me.

He had sacrificed so much for me. What had I ever done for him? Nothing-.-

My heart started beating fast as I thought about him and how much love he had showered me with. My stomach felt like there were actual butterflies in it. Ew, gross. What is this feeling?

I don't recognize this feeling at all. It's foreign. Is it a result of the hypnosis? It couldn't be, could it? I don't feel it when I think about Alois or Luca... Why is it only Edmund? Is it because he's the one who actually performed the hypnosis?

Or is it... Something else? He cared for me for so many years. I never even lifted a finger to help him. The most I ever did was pick a few pockets, and he always scolded me for that. He would tell me I was a fine lady and I didn't need to be picking pockets.

Now, when I think about it... I feel weird. Could this feeling be... Love?


A/N: Hey, guys! I've come to a realization. This fanfiction really sucks! Thanks to those of you who actually read it, but I don't think I'm gonna write anything else for a while. Sorry for the short chapter. Don't worry, its not completely finished, but it'll be a while. Sorry, but until further notice. Peace, homies.

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