[ 30. NICKNAME? ]

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Choi Y/N pov

Siwon oppa held my hand and guided me down the backstage and brought me into EXO oppas waiting room.

"Baekhyun oppa! Hi oppas!"


"Oppa! What was that on stage?!"
I slapped Baekhyun oppa's arm in embarrassment

"Jagi it's hurts!"
He whines as he rubbed the area

"I just want to show my aeris how much I love you that's all"
He continues

"Yah yah, I'm already lonely enough, save the sweet talk for at home yea"
Minseok hyung said

We all laughed at his sad but true feelings

"Y/N ah you feeling okay?"
Suho oppa asked, as expected from the leader nim

"Oppa I'm fine my legs just hurt a little and I'm starving"
I throw him pout, the other oppas groan to my go at showing aegyo.

"Oh ya Y/N ah, your clothes"
Siwon oppa walk back into the waiting room with my bag of clothes in his hand.

Baekhyun oppa takes it from him and Siwon oppa disappears into his waiting room.

"Y/N ah, what do you feel like eating?"
Suho oppa asked me

" I feel like eating chicken!"
Baekhyun oppa shakes his head at my enthusiasm

"Oh yes, as expected my dongsaeng!"
Kai oppa winked at me

"The suju hyung's will come with us to eat as well okay"
Jongdae oppa added

"They say they are fine with chicken"
Suho oppa said

"Then Jagi let's get you changed so we can faster feed you and our little one"
Baekhyun oppa pinched my nose as he said

He grabbed my clothes and brought me to the dressing room.

He help me get out of my dress and helped me with my pants and I threw on my baby blue tee and a oversized hoodie from Baekhyun oppa's breakfast club Prive collection. He gave my tummy a kiss and then a kiss on my lips before we head out of the dressing room.

We all climbed into our respective cars with our managers and we made our way to the restaurant that EXO oppa's manager booked for us.

Baekhyun pov

We all sat down in a conjoined private room along with super junior hyungs. I ordered spicy braised chicken with the mildest spice level with some fried side dishes. Y/N ordered 삼계탕 (samgyetang, chicken soup) since it's less oily and healthier for her and the baby.

"Yah Baekhyun ah, have you both chosen a nickname for your little one?"
Kyuhyun hyung asked

"We haven't thought of any yet"
Y/N beat me to replying

"I think you should call it 현금(hyeong geum, cash) so next time it'll grow up with lots of money"
Heechul hyung said

We all laughed as it sounds too funny, just imagine talk to your child and calling him or her cash.

"Oppa-deul (all the oppas) How about you give us a recommendation each?"
Y/N said

"Call it 단(dan) it sounds like egg in Chinese, the baby looks like an egg in the sonogram"
Lay hyung said, I almost rolled my eyes back

"How about 천사(cheonsa, angel)?"
Chen said

"Cheonsa sounds nice"
Siwon hyung added

"땅콩 (ddangkong, peanut) sounds like a nickname, very common for baby nickname"
Kyungsoo added

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