[ 22. PLAN ]

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Choi Y/N pov

"Oppa I think we should tell our members about my pregnancy"

"Yea, we should, then we would need to plan with our companies"

"When do you want to tell them oppa?"

"How about we get them to meet at my house?"
Baekhyun oppa replied


Now we were on our way to Baekhyun oppa's house. Baekhyun oppa and I talked about when we should tell our fans. He said that we can try when I'm in my third month of pregnancy. Which means that we also have to plan our wedding date.

Baekhyun pov

Soon after we reach, the boys have reached. Now we were all seated at my lounge area. Kai and sehunnie still joking around. Suho hyung smacked both of them to get them to calm down.

"Hyung why did you call of us here?"
Kai asked

"Yea, why is Y/N here too?"
Suho hyung asked

"We have something to say to all of you..."
I said

"What is it?"
Chanyeol asked

I looked at Y/N, she nodded, I held her hand tightly

"I'm going to be a father"

Suho hyung screamed, Y/N flinched in her seat

"As in Y/N is pregnant?"
Minseok hyung added

Y/N nodded her head, she didn't dare look up at all of them. I could feel her shaking, I quickly pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?"
Suho hyung asked

"I just found out yesterday hyung"

"I-I'm so sorry for putting you all in such a burdensome situation, I'm so sorry"
Y/N opened her mouth and spoke

"It's not your fault Y/N ah, we are all at the age to want to have family"
Chen added

"We have to plan what we should do from now on"
Suho hyung said after letting out a sigh

"You all should start doing solo activities, and sehun and Chanyeol can make your unit group too"
I suggested

"Good idea"
Chen added

"Like this the fans won't think that all of us took a break"
Kai added

"We have to go and talk to our company, don't forget that"
Suho hyung warned us

"I-I'm really sorry everyone, I'm such a burden"
Y/N spoke again

"Y/N is not your fault, I love children okay and I love you"
I cupped her cheeks and told her

"Keep all the lovey dovey stuff when your alone"
Minseok hyung said while chuckling

"Y/N ah we can solve this, don't worry, I would love to have a niece or nephew, hope he or she doesn't take baek's personality, it would be a trouble to handle them"
Suho hyung joked

"Hey hyung, that's so mean"
I pouted

"We will talk to the company tomorrow, and we will let you know what happen, for now you just rest and eat healthy for you and you baby okay?"
Suho hyung asked Y/N

"Arraseo oppa"
She replied

"Oh and Baekhyun ah, delete your tinder account please"
Suho hyung added

Y/N glared at me with warning eyes.

"I already did hyung"
I whipped out my phone and showing them that the app is no longer that. Who needs tinder when I have Y/N

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