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Choi Y/N pov

Oppa went into the jacuzzi first and then guided me into it, always holding my hand to give me stability. The water was just the right temperature, it's was such a soothing warmth. Just like how a weighted blanket would be on me.

Now this soothing jacuzzi remind me of the sauna, I'm suddenly craving for the hard boiled eggs made in the 찜질방(jimjilbang, sauna).

I bite my lip a little embarrassed to ask

"Yes Jagi?"

"Oppa I feel like eating the egg from the jimjilbang"

"Eh, now?"

"Yes I'm craving it, does anywhere sell it?"

"Jagi, it's late now, I doubt there will be any, can we eat it tomorrow?"

"But I'm craving it"
I pouted

"Hey Jagi, I can make hard boiled eggs if that helps"

"Hard boiled eggs sound good too"

"Just hold on here for awhile, I'll go make it and come right back"
He pinched my nose and went out of the jacuzzi to make the eggs

In the quietness, promise by EXO is playing at the background slowly becomes white noise. I slowly bring my hand to caress my now growing tummy. Many thoughts flash through my mind, how is this baby going to look like? Would it resemble Baekhyun oppa more or me? Would I be a good mother? Would I be able to handle being a idol and a mother?

Baekhyun pov

I placed the eggs into boiling water with salt and made my way back to the jacuzzi. I saw Y/N with her hand on her tummy and looking into the air, she looks deep in thought.

She had this glow all around her, it's that what people always say, a pregnancy glow? Oh god she's actually my wife, it's still like a dream to me, I promise to take care of her for life.

"Jagi what are you thinking about?"
She broke out to her trance

"Oh just thinking of what will happen when the baby comes"

I got into the jacuzzi and sat down beside her, I held her free hand. I could feel her worries.

"Y/N don't worry, we'll do just fine"
I gave her hand a squeeze and a peck on her forehead

"Oppa what if our child doesn't like me?"

"Nonsense, which child would dislike their mother, you silly"
I ruffled her hair

"Jagiya, do you think our baby will be a girl or boy?"
I looked at her, trying to change topic to deter her worrisome thoughts.

"I want it to be a boy first!"
She beamed, Her sudden mood change caught me off guard, I have to get used to these mood swings

"Why? I thought you would want a girl"

"I want the brother to be able to protect her sister, just like Siwon oppa and I"
She said

"Ooo, so fast planning for a second one huh, Jagi you are one sly fox"
I gave her the suggestive smirk

"Oppa I'm just saying only"

"Arraseo, let's hope it's a boy then"

"Oh ya, Oppa I have a appointment with the doctor to check out the baby's growth, you wanna come along?"

"Of course Jagi, how could I miss it, I will go for all"

"All? Won't you be busy?"

"Jagi have you forgotten, we are both on hiatus now"
I pinched her nose

"But how are we going to see the baby?"
I asked

"The doctor will do a ultrasound scan on my tummy to see our baby's growth, she said that we could hear the heart beat of our baby as well"

The sound of the timer rang, the eggs are well cooked

"Jagi hold on, I'll go get your hard boiled eggs"
She nodded her head

I ran to the kitchen and fished out the eggs out of the water.

I placed them in a bowl and went back to the jacuzzi.

"Here Jagi"
I handed her a hard boiled egg

"Thank you oppa"

I felt something hit my head, I grabbed that spot in pain, y/n had a cracked egg in her hand

"Jagi, it hurts!"
I said in shock

"Oppa that's the fun of eating sauna eggs, it's to hit each other's head"

"You are going to get it from me"
I also cracked my egg on her head

She whined, holding her head

"Baby, your appa is bullying me"
She whined further

"No baby, it's your Umma who started first"

Choi Y/N pov

After having our eggs, we made our way to wash up and prepare for bed. I was done with my shower and waiting for Baekhyun oppa in my very comfy pajamas.

I thought popped in my head, what will happen to our careers in the future? Will it be a big change?

Just then Baekhyun oppa came out of the toilet with shorts and his upper body bare.

"Jagi, why do look so concerned?"

"Oppa, what will happens to our career?"

He came towards our bed and sat himself down beside me.
"Urhmm, for EXO, most of the members are going to enlist in the next few years, so most of them will just do solo activities and I can still do small schedules like recording OSTs. For you, it depends when we are okay to leave our baby with someone and then you can work"

"Oppa I think I can wait until our baby is 2 years old, since the next year all my members have long solo activities to fufill, as the times goes I can start doing small schedules like you or I can participate in album recording and just not appear for the promotion."

"That should work"
He smiled

I rubbed my eyes, feeling very tired now, the wedding sucked up most of my energy.

"Jagi, you're tired, let's sleep now"
I just nodded

Oppa positioned himself better in the bed, he slipped into the duvet and open his arms for me to crawl in. I snuggled into his chest, one of his hand on my tummy and the other under my shoulder.

"Jagi, thank you for being my wife"
He pecked my forehead softly

"Thank you too oppa"

"Let's sleep now, good night Jagi, I love you very much"

"I love you too oppa"
I pecked his cheek

Oppa ran his fingers through my hair gently as his other hand gently pat me, with that I slowly submit into slumber with his soothing touches.


Hello readers

Such a peaceful and heartwarming first night as husband and wife for y/n and Baekhyun

I would like you all to give me suggestion for names and the baby's gender, pease comment them down 🙏🏼

I am so sorry for this very long hiatus, I am actually facing a very bad writer's block. This chapter was the last completed draft and I will be on a longer hiatus until I can have more ideas to write again.

Once again I would like to thank you all for reading this story, I will try my best to write soon! 💕

Thank you for reading, comments and votes are highly appreciated 😂

Hugs and kisses 😘


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