[ 11. HIATUS ]

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Choi Y/N pov

"Hyung, we have to push back CHOI2, some personal things happened to Y/N and I"
Siwon oppa said on the phone call

I looked up at him and he smiled trying to tell me not to worry. He sat beside me and called my manager, he told my manager the same thing, that we had personal matter and I need to be on hiatus for awhile.

The next day, articles were released stating that me and oppa were going on hiatus for an unknown amount of time and our unit debut will be pushed back indefinitely.

Yoojin unnie called me today, she said that she's sorry for being a bad leader and she needed me to get out of my house for awhile. She said it is very very important. She told me to meet her at our company.

I was at our practice room waiting for her, she came in with a serious expression.

"Unnie, why do you need me here, I'm going on Hiatus"

"I called a conference with the higher ups, to talk about our group"

"What are you going to do unnie?"

"I have told the company what Dahye did and I suggested them to kick Dahye out"

I was shocked, I didn't know if I should feel relieved or feel bad for Dahye. She hooked up with my boyfriend but I couldn't bring myself to think that she deserves to be kicked out.

"I'm doing this for our group's sake, don't say anything, I can't have one who cheats on another member's loved one, how are we goofy to work together when there is problem"

What unnie said was totally correct, if we had group activities, I wouldn't know how to behave around her and how we would perform our stages while acting all okay.

We made our way to the conference room, the other members were already there, I sat down between Yoojin unnie and Hyejung. Dahye sitting opposite us on her own.

The higher ups came into the room at sat down

"I've heard what happen, so I will ask for your opinions, do you all agree that Dahye should leave?"
Our company head asked

"I agree for the sake of our future and group dynamics"
Yoojin spoke first

"I agree with Yoojin unnie"
Hyejung added

"I agree as well, I don't know how to face them and I'm the one at fault so I will leave"
Dahye spoke softly with her head down

"Then it's settled, Dahye will leave, we will release an article stating that dahye left because of health reasons and Dahye you got one week to move out of the dorm, we will terminate your contract with us"
The company head said and stood up and exited the room with the others following behind him.

The room left 4 of us, Dahye still looking down.
"Dahye, it's been a very great time these few years working with you as a team"
Yoojin unnie said and she tugged both Hyejung and my arms to leave the room

I'm currently staying at Siwon oppa's house, I just came back from the company, I told oppa what happen and he just hugged me.

2 weeks later———

"You will have a new member, the public already know who she is, the new member is doyeon. She ended her contract with IOI."
Our manager said

I was happy to hear that, I know doyeon after chungha unnie introduce her to us. She will be replacing Dahye, she can sing and rap. Our manager oppa said that our comeback will be at the end of the year so we have a lot of time to get to know each other more and practice our dances with her.

Two weeks later———


Now I was feeling less hurt, I still miss Baekhyun oppa, still loving him. But I still need some more time to forgive what happened. I'm just going to use this time to focus on CHOI2. I told oppa that I'm ready to promote our unit group.

We are now waiting to go up for our first stage as CHOI2, oppa is in a shirt and ripped jeans and I'm in a denim tube top with ripped jeans with thigh high high heeled boots, since oppa is so tall.

We greeted our fans and interacted with them after our performance. We took some pictures with them and headed back to our waiting room. We had to do an interview for iheartradio.

One of the question that was targeted to Siwon oppa really got me thinking hard. The question asked oppa if he regretted any choices he made in the past that he wishes to change.

He said that he regrets waiting so long before apologizing to a close friend of his and that friend ended up immigrating to another country before he got the chance to apologize.

That got me thinking, since now I'm feeling less angry and hurt. I should not wait any longer, I should give Baekhyun oppa a chance to make up for his mistake instead of me just ignoring him.

After the interview, we changed back into our home clothes. I wore a crop top and some sweats and pulled a hoodie over.
"Oppa! I'm going to see Baekhyun oppa now, what you said has made me realized. Thank you"
I gave him a peck on his cheek and left with my manager oppa.

"Oppa go to EXO's dorm please"
I told my manager

Sorry for the late update:)

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