[ 5. DATE? ]

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Baekhyun pov

Yesterday I received a text from Siwon hyung
<Baekhyun ah, Do you like Y/N?>

<yes hyung, I really do, I never felt so attracted to someone this much before>

<I trust you Baekhyun ah>

<thanks hyung, I'm going on a date with her tomorrow>

<please take care of her>

<Arraseo yo hyung>

Today is our date, I did a last round of check of the car, actually not mine but one of EXO's company car. It has more privacy and more space to eat.

I dressed casually, a white tee, some cargo pants, my mask and bucket hat.

I also made sure to tell Y/N that I'll pick her up at her company so that it would just be seen as if she's going for her schedule.

Choi Y/N pov

Today was my date with Baekhyun oppa, Yoojin unnie went all mommy and sister figure at the same time to me when we were shopping for clothes yesterday. She was like "our dear Y/N is going on a date...." in a singing voice, thank hor there wasn't anyone around us.

We bought a few pieces of clothing, some are co-ord pieces, some dresses, tees and skirts. Yoojin unnie got rid of any pants and shorts that I have chosen as she deemed that training clothes not applicable for going out for a date since I always shorts to practice and wear them practically everyday. Even my pajamas are pants and not a dress.

We picked up some cute accessories, little heart earrings and a crescent necklace and lastly a plaid beret.

I chose a mint blue Chanel crop top and some black wide pants and some sneakers to wear for the date today.

I put on very minimal makeup, some concealer for my almost permanent dark circles, drew on a thin eyeliner and a ombré reddish pink lipstick colour

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I put on very minimal makeup, some concealer for my almost permanent dark circles, drew on a thin eyeliner and a ombré reddish pink lipstick colour. I let my hair down naturally, just did a bit of heating on my bangs to make them stay in place.

Now I was waiting at my company for Baekhyun oppa to arrive, I am scrolling through Instagram, checking for the latest feed and replying to some of the DMs from my fans. This is what I do when I'm bored, I like to see my fans reaction when they see me reply them, it's heartwarming to know that someone like you this much.

I heard a car horn, then I looked up, I saw a big car, the window of the front seat wind down and Baekhyun oppa appeared.

"Hi Y/N! Come on in"

I once again felt my cheek heat up, I swore there was a little red tint on my cheeks now as I slowly made my way to the door. I managed to get into the car with none of my clumsiness showing. Thank god.

"You look nice today Y/N ah"

I quickly bowed "t-t-hank you Baekhyun o-oppa"
I mentally cursed myself for stuttering.

I heard him chuckling and I managed to look up and see his eye smile which was the eighth wonders of the world to me.

"Don't be nervous Y/N ah, I won't bite"
He chuckled once again

I finally gained the strength to look at his face but not his eyes, I gave him a small smile in agreement.

"Put on your seatbelt, let's go and watch that movie"

"Arraseo yo oppa"
I clicked on my seatbelt and we left for the drive in theater.

Baekhyun pov

Y/N looked so nice today, I really want to hold her hand but I know it will definitely scare her, this is the first time I met her she must be as nervous as I am. I can't wait till she becomes my girlfriend. The amount of things that I want to do with her are endless.

I got us bagels and some fried chicken and some other finger food. I helped her to climb to the back seats where there was more space and followed behind her.

I made small chat during our ride to the theater, so now she is comfortable with me. Her character is slowly coming out. She made small jokes that made me laugh and I also got to see her sunshine like smile.

"Oppa this bagel is soooo goood.....! Where did you get them from?"

"I got them from jongin's noona's cafe"

"I know kai sunbaenim's noona, I met her before because of my mistake and after that we are friends"

I like everything about her, she's so humble when we started talking about her groups and their music. The way she eats is so adorable, like a little chipmunk, her cheeks will puff up a little. I could tell she's really comfortable with me that she just made her hair up into a half bun.

The movie ended shortly after we finished our lunch, now we were on our way back.

I managed to persuade her for me to drop her off at her dorm. After 5 minutes of debate, she gave in and told me the address, and I found out that EXO's dorm is like 2 blocks away from her group's.

When the car stopped, she unbuckled the seatbelt and she looked at me and said
"Thank you for today oppa, it was really fun!"
She prepped her hand on the door handle, but i didn't want to let her just leave like that.

I quickly grabbed her wrist, she flinched and looked back at me. I guided her to sit properly in the car seat stilling holding her hand.


"Y/N ah..."
She blinked while looking at me

"I like you..."
Her eyes opened wide and there was a short pause

"I-I like you too oppa..."
I felt the side of my lips twitch, I was holding back a smile.

She nodded her head slowly not breaking her eye contact with me

"Then Y/N ah, Can you be my girlfriend?"

Stay tuned to find out what Y/N's answer is

Thank you for reading
Votes and comments are highly appreciated 😆

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