[ 15. COMEBACK ]

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Choi Y/N pov

I woke up after my alarm rang, Baekhyun oppa had his around my shoulder and his head on my tummy. I have no idea how he ended up in this position, I gently lift his head trying not to wake him up.

He grunted as I lived him but luckily he didn't wake up. I quietly freshen up and went down stairs to help his parents. I have to leave way earlier than I thought, manager texted me last night telling me that I would need to reach the company by 11am the latest as the practice time has been brought forward.

"Mr and Mrs Byun, good morning!"

Both of them replied, Mr Byun already has his coffee and toast infront of him

"Did you sleep well?"
Mrs Byun asked

"Yes I did, but I would have to go soon, my company want us to go back for practice, I would just help you to wash the dishes and I will leave for work"
I said as I walk to the sink with dishes

"아가, it's okay, you don't have too, quickly sit down and eat the toast, I'll get Baekhyun to bring you back to the company"
Mrs Byun said

"Oh no it's fine, I can go on my own, Baekhyun oppa said that he is also going to start preparing for his group activities, I want to let him rest while he can Mrs Byun"

"You are such a sweet child what would my Baekhyun do without you"
She said as she stroked my head

She handed me a cup of coffee and told me to wait for 5 mins. She wanted to make the toast into a sandwich so I can eat it on the way there.

I took that time to write a small note for Baekhyun oppa to tell him my reason of disappearing so early.

After greeting Mr and Mrs Byun, I grabbed the sandwich and made my way to the company.

————time skip————

<jagi, why didn't you wake me up 😞 >

<I wanted you to rest oppa, I already explained in the note>

<oppa I'll see you soon okay, have to continue practice now, bye!>

I loved my phone back down and get ready for our practice. We practiced for what seems to be 3 hours and then Hyejung plopped down screaming that she is starving.

We all agreed that at the mention of food we were all indeed hungry. We decided on korean bbq, we quickly packed up and cleaned up the practice room briefly, made ourself look decent to face the public and we headed off to the bbq restaurant near the company.

We ate our fill and then went back to our dorm to rest for the remaining of the day , so we can have better performance tomorrow at our comeback performance at music core.

————time skip————

Today our first comeback stage with our new member Doyeon . We will be using the outfits that were shown in our teaser pictures. We prepare our in-ear and our mikes. Did some throat exercises to prepare for my high notes and off we go.

Today's stage ending fairy was Doyeon, we told the director to make her so, to give her more chance to make herself known to others.

Now all the artist are gathered on stage to announce the winner of today's performance at music core. Our group was one of the nominee.

"Who is the 3rd place, let's have a look"
The female emcee said

"3rd place is ......! Congratulations!"

"Now who will be our winner of the day?"

"Aaaaaannnnd congratulations it's is BLAZE!"
The confetti popped as the emcee announced our group as the winner. Yoojin immediately raised her mike to thank all our our fans, H2O.

"Our H2O, thank you for this award, would also like to thank our company, our manager oppa and our family and friends"

We all went back down stage and took pictures for the music core Instagram page as well as our group's official social media outlets to show and celebrate our first win for our new album. After that made our way to our waiting room.

I picked up my phone and saw countless messages from different people, some are from amber Unnie, Siwon oppa, Suho oppa and the majority is Baekhyun oppa.

Just as I was about to open the chat, manager oppa called out to me
"Y/N ah, no time for texting, change up, we still have a radio broadcast schedule in 30 minutes, if we don't leave in 5 minutes we will be late"

I threw my phone into my bag and quickly change into my own clothes and checked my makeup, we didn't have time to remove our stage makeup, so we just have to attend the radio show with it.

Baekhyun pov

My phone has been quiet for the past 6 hours,   Y/N has yet to reply any of my messages.
"Byun baek, stop pouting"
Chanyeol said lying beside me

I saw her group's comeback stage today, I had no clue her outfits were so bold this time round. Haha I admit that I didn't keep track of her comeback, I mean I am equally as busy too.

She wore some really short dress and her thighs look so soft and smooth.
"Yah, your ears are red, what in the world are you thinking"
Chanyeol said

That idiot broke my train of thoughts
"Shut up Chanyeol, go away"
The heat felt at my ears disappeared instantly

"Why is she not replying me"
I slapped chanyeol's arm in annoyance

"Why did you hit me, when your girlfriend is not replying you"
His eyes widen showing all his whites

"Go and ask Suho hyung for help you dumbass, they're best friends or like get him to find out their group's schedule"
Chanyeol continued

"Why didn't I think of that?, thanks Chan"

I texted Suho Hyung
<hyung, do you perhaps know what is Y/N doing or how to find her schedule?>

<yea, I know their manager, why?>
He replied, almost instantly

<Y/N hasn't reply me for the past 6 hours 😞 >

<so sad huh, I'll ask their manager for their schedule, give me awhile>

<okay, thank you hyung, I love you!>

Hi readers!
It's been so god damn liking since a new chapter, I finally was able to finish typing what I left before my exams.

Hope you guys enjoy and please leave comments and votes!

I'm just going to give a small spoiler,
Dispatch will be involved soon!

Thank you for reading
Vote and comment please 🙏🏼

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