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Baekhyun pov

I placed mongryong down and held her hands and we walked to the door. Mongryongie walked beside Y/N as we entered the house.

Appa and Umma quickly stand up to greet us.    Y/N quickly folded her body into a 90 degree bow as my parents approached us.

Umma and Appa laughed at her nervous state. Umma quickly held her arms and ushered her to stand up straight. She kept her head down in respect.

"Let's all have a sit, I'll get some drinks"
Umma said

"L-let me help you Mrs Byun"
Y/N said as she stood up

"It's okay 아가 (child/baby), just stay here with Baekhyun"

She gently sat down again, feeling bad. I told her to relax. Mongryong came by and sat right beside her feet. She could only look down and play with mongryong.

When umma came back with the drinks, we started the whole talking session.

"What is your name, 아가"
Umma asked

"Let me introduce her, her name is Choi Y/N, she's is my girlfriend and we have been dating for   6 months"
I said

Her face turned red when I openly said she was my girlfriend infront of my parents. Her finger playing with the hem of her dress.

"What do you do for a living Y/N ah"
Appa asked

"I-I am also a singer, my group name is called BLAZE and I am the main vocal"
She replied

After awhile, Y/N warmed up to them and now they were all comfortable with each other.

Choi Y/N pov

"Mongryong ah, why are you always with Y/N"
He whined

I just realized that Mongryongie has been beside me all the time. When I sat down he was right at my feet, when we were eating, he was there too and when I use the washroom he was at the door waiting for me.

"Oppa are you jealous?"
I teased

"Looks like mongryongie likes Y/N"

Baekhyun oppa's mother added on making his lips turn into a pout. I carried mongryong up onto my lap and played with him.

"Now you are giving him more attention than me!"

Baekhyun oppa is whining in full mode now, his parents laughing at him whining over my attention over a dog.

"Mongryong ah, your hyung is jealous, give him some attention too okay?"
I played with his ears as I spoke to him, i carried him up and placed him on oppa's lap. Oppa let out a grin and cuddle with mongryong.

We spent a lot of time together at oppa's house today, we watched a few movies with his parents. Now I'm comfortable around them, they both are very friendly people.

Baekhyun oppa's umma has the same smile as him, the boxy smile with the mole on top. While Baekhyun oppa's took on his dad's eyes. The slight droopy puppy like eyes that make him look very friendly.

"아가, it's becoming night soon, Do you want to stay over and leave tomorrow instead?"
Mrs Byun asked

Baekhyun oppa looked at me hopefully, if I sleep over, this would bring us a step further into our relationship, but what if I drool or snore without knowing? What if I accidentally kick Baekhyun oppa when I'm asleep?

"Jagi, breathe Jagi"
I felt Baekhyun oppa rubbed my arms up and down, he brought me into his room and sat me down on his bed.

"Jagi, are you scared?"

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