[ 7. CHOI2 ]

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It's been 3 months since Baekhyun and Choi Y/N have been dating. It's still all honeymoon like phase. Since now EXO has new comeback he isn't as free now. They video call almost everyday if possible.


Choi Y/N pov




This were the first thing I see when I wake up. I paused for a moment a laughed. I read each article in curiosity. Many of them talk about how oppa and I went out for cafe dates, eating cakes together and laughing.

Siwon oppa and I talked about it before, if we ever get caught together and articles were released, then we will reveal our relationship to the public. For now only some idols know, those that both of us are close too and my members.

My phone rang, as expected it was Siwon oppa

"Ya, I guess they discovered our 'dates'"
Oppa said

"What are we going to do 😭"
I played along with him

"Let's just post a picture of us together and you can say that I love Siwon oppa my lovely & handsome brother, and I will say I love you y/n, my sister by actual blood"

"Arraseo yo"

I made him post his first then I followed after, We both chose the same photo. I typed in my caption and tagged oppa.
"I love you my lovely & handsome brother"

Comments were firing like mad, my phone actually hanged for a short while. I managed to read some, many were going crazy, many were confused which was expected. Some of them were "I knew it they both had surname Choi!"
"They really look alike how can I not notice it"

After our Instagram posts, we informed both our companies to released the confirm news and clarify that we are siblings

We also told our companies to clarify why I was always visiting SMent. Actually, SMent told us that they wish to get me and Siwon oppa to make a sibling unit. We both agreed since I didn't have any comeback plans in the near future and neither did he.

We started preparing for comeback since 2 weeks back and I actually manage to get oppa and the producer to let Baekhyun oppa feature in one of the songs. The song is called Leo (A/N: actual song by bolbbalgan4) I thought this song would be better if Baekhyun oppa sung it with me, since it's a lighter song.

We started our album recording with Baekhyun oppa and I recording first since he is the one that had a tight schedule. We have already completed the album photoshoot, the song recording and now we left with brushing up our dance for the title song which is 200% (A/N: actual song by AKMU)

After all the news about us were released, many of our friends texted me to congratulate for announcing our sibling relationship. Now I quickly changed into my training outfit as I have to go back to SM to practice with Siwon oppa.

A few days later Siwon oppa and I were on our way for knowing brothers filming for siblings special. After the news release on our relationship. We were in trending for the past few days.

We took SM's company car since super junior is still more senior in the industry. During our car ride, Baekhyun oppa texted me.

<Jagi, I got a rest day today, let's have dinner!>

<oppa, I'm so sorry, I have filming for knowing brothers today 😞 >

<it's okay, I'll wait for your text!>

<okay then oppa, I will try to rush to you, be careful oppa>

<eung, be careful too, I love you Jagi>

<I love you too>

"Done smiling to your phone screen?"
Siwon oppa suddenly questioned

"Who is it? Baekhyunie?"

"Yup, he asked me to eat dinner with him"
I replied looking at him with my toothy smile

Now we are on set, waiting for the cue to enter the room.
"Have you heard about the hottest siblings right now?"
Heechul oppa asked the cast members, that was our cue to enter the set. I hid behind Siwon oppa's back as he pulled open the door.

"Wahhh! It's Siwon!!"
Sangmin said

I still hid behind oppa as we walked to the front

"Y/N is here too!"
Sangmin said

"Y/N ah don't be scared we don't bite"
Janghoon said

I slowly peeped my head over oppa's shoulder. He then slowly pulled me out from behind him. He mouthed me a it's okay and we moved on to introducing ourselves.

"All of you know me right? I'm Super Junior's Siwon and her brother "
The cast clapped

"Now Is Y/N's turn"
Heechul oppa said

"B...L...A...Z...E burn the stage! Annyeong! I'm BLAZE's Y/N and his younger sister"

The cast clapped even louder to welcome me

Now we handed up our enrollment form and they were now talking about our strengths. They started with oppa's strength first, he put taekwondo and English as his strength. He showed his skills by doing kicks and board breaking.

"Y/N ah do you know taekwondo too?"
Yeongcheol asked

"I know some but I'm not that good anymore, I learned some from oppa only"

"Yea, she's only a green belt, she was more of a swimmer last time"
Oppa added on

"No wonder you're tall"
Janghoon said

"I use to swim when I was in elementary school, I like swimming because I won't feel the sweat, and I think it did help me grow quite abit"

"How tall are you know Y/N?"
Janghoon asked

"I'm about 170cm now"

"Wah that's really tall"
Janghoon replied

"Let's move on to Y/N's strengths shall we? First one, knows 3 languages"
Soogeun said

"Yea, I can speak korean, Chinese and English"

"Korea and English I can understand but why did you learn Chinese?"
Sangmin asked

"I have this friend in elementary school who could only speak Chinese, so I decided to learn and communicate with her"

"She also state that she can speak mixed language with her brother, Y/N ah can you show us a short one"


I looked Siwon oppa and asked him a question
"你吃already? 뭘먹었어?" (Translation: Have you eaten? What did you eat?)

"Ate already, I had kimchi soup"
Oppa replied

This chapter is tad bit long, so I'm going to make a part 2 for this chapter.

Continuation of story in the next chap:)

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