[ 25. WEDDING ]

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"Bride and groom please be ready at the door now"
The wedding planner came into the resting room and announced

Baekhyun pov

"Jagi, let's go now"
I held her hands to help her stand up and the assistant helped to hold the train part of her dress.

We were now standing at the door at the entrance for the aisle to the altar. She held my arm and another hand holding her bouquet of flowers.

"Oppa, I'm nervous"

"You don't have to be, it's only a small crowd nowhere near the crowd size when we perform."
I kissed her hands

"Bride and groom, please get ready to walk down the aisle"
Our wedding planner said

"Let's put our hands together to welcome the bride and the groom!"
Chanyeol said, we could here from behind the door, he was our Emcee

The doors were pulled opened by the doorman and we we could see all of our guest that came. Our group members, family members and some of our close friends were present.

The spotlight shone on us as we took our first step and walked down the aisle, the guests waved at us and threw flower petals.

"Today we are here to witness the wedding of the lovely couple, bride Choi Y/N and groom Byun Baekhyun."
The wedding officiant said

"Now could the bride and groom face each other and hold both hands"
He continued

We both tuned to face each other and I held both of her hands gently caressing it. She gave me a light smile as she looked at me.

"May the groom say his vows"
The wedding officiant said

I cleared my throat and took the mike in my hand
"I am standing here in-front of everyone as witness that I, Byun Baekhyun will vow to love you and care for you in sickness and in health, in rich or poor, from now till we age and into our graves. Y/N ah, I know our meeting isn't like the fairytale, my proposal was nowhere near romantic but I promise to give you my best and always protect you. 사랑해(saranghae, I love you) Y/N ah!"

I saw her tears flow down, I used my thumb to gently tap the tears away as I smiled at her.

"May the bride say her vows as well"
The officiant added

"Baekhyun oppa, it was my dream to meet you in the past, I still can't believe that I am getting married to you, you were my dream and now my present and my future. I promise to stay with you till we become bones in the grave, I will always love you, your Y/N"
Y/N said

I looked up at the ceiling to try to stop myself from crying, luckily I managed to stop the tears that threatened to fall.

"Mr Byun Baekhyun, Do you take Ms Choi Y/N as your lawfully wedded wife?"
The officiant asked

"Yes I do"

"Ms Choi Y/N, Do you take Mr Byun Baekhyun as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Yes I do"

"May the couple now exchange their rings"
The officiant said

My nephew walked up the aisle holding a pillow with our wedding rings on it. I took y/n's ring and slot it in her left ring finger.

She took the my ring on the pillow and slipped it in my left ring finger as well.

"I will now pronounce you husband and wife!"
The officiant said

Screams and cheers travelled through the ballroom and I leaned down to give her a kiss on her lips.

She is now mine legally and for life.

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