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3rd person pov:

"Commander, ever since that day when the pipes burst in the town, I haven't been the same. I failed to save a young boy, and his mother cursed me out because of it." You sighed, biting your lip.

"But Y/n, you still saved three other kids? Why is it beating you up?" Erwin asked, crossing his arms.

You through your arms in the air. "That's what I don't get! I saved three of her kids, three! Yet, she still screamed at me because I couldn't save one." You sat back down on the mans bed, and placed your head in your hands. "I couldn't save one. Erwin, I couldn't do it. I was too late. And now every day he reminds me. He reminds me of the pain his mother has to deal with, and his siblings. He reminds me that I couldn't save him. I was a failure, gosh I am so worthless."

Erwin sat down next to, intertwining his fingers and fitting with his thumbs. "Y/n, stop degrading yourself. You still had saved 3 of the 4 kids. The mother now only has to mourn one death instead of four." His words were soft, and came out naturally. It was almost like he had rehearsed this talk verbatim.

"Sir, but she is still grieving! She is now still in pain!" You shouted at him.

Erwin still played with thumbs, appearing to have forgotten his line. You looked over at him, thinking, maybe I have just upset him. Good going when all he was trying to do was help.

"Listen, I have been in the same position multiple times. Every time I come back from an expedition, their parents run up to me, asking if their child is okay, or that they are honored to have me leading them. Every time I have to reply with, 'I'm sorry, your child is no longer here.' and keep moving. They then scream and cry, turn violent, or just sit there in shock. I can't comfort them, I can't go back and fix anything, I just have to move on." He admitted, turning towards you. "Y/n, unfortunately we can't fix the past. Now did that boy say anything to you before he died?" He asked, curiously.

"Oh, uh. I believe so." You stuttered, trying to look through your contorted memories. "Right, he said something along the lines of, save my siblings, return them to my mom."

"And what did you do? You achieved of what he asked. He is looking down on you right now thanking you. You have fulfilled his last words." Erwin reassured you.

The thought had never crossed your mind before. I guess I really did stay true to his last words. Hopefully his mother understands that. You thought, leaning on Smith's shoulder. His warm arm pulled you close to him, and he rested his head on top of yours. He placed a few kisses on your hairline, sending shocks through your body.

For people saying the Commander was heartless, they seemed totally wrong.

Your eyes began to close as you were extremely tired. It has been weeks since you have been able to have a good nights rest due to the dreams. This moment right now, you finally felt the need of comfort you have been lacking.

Erwin pulled you underneath the covers and tucked you into his bed. He smiled down at you before turning for the door to his office. He halted when he felt a slight tug on his pant leg. Turning around he found your s/c arm reaching for him.

"Please don't leave. I don't want to be alone anymore." You pleaded, looking up at him.

He nodded, kicking off his shoes and slipping in the bed next to you. "I won't leave your side, okay? You won't be alone any more." He reassured you.

A smile plastered on your face as you turned to your opposite side, facing the large window. You looked into the starry night, and fell into a deep slumber.

The next morning you were awoken by loud knocks at the door.  You struggled to open your eyes as you refused to get up. You felt arms around your waist in the bed, and turned over to see the commanders sleepy face.

Shock hit your body as you remembered the previous night. You quickly looked under the sheet to see you both had clothes on. A sigh of relief came out of your mouth, followed by a quiet giggle.

The door than burst open, so you quickly shut your eyes. You could hear Hanne's loud footsteps, followed by Levi's light ones.

"I swear, if this man is sleeping in late-" Hannes stopped mid sentence as he saw two bodies in the bed.

"Well no wonder." Hannes laughed, taking a step back. Levi had his cold stare remain as he stepped forward and swatted at the Commander's head.

"No one night stands. We have a lot to do today, and you're already late." Levi snapped, crossing his arms.

Erwin rolled over and sat up. He rubbed his head before looking at the two men. "Do you guys know how to knock?"

"Commander, we knocked at least a hundred times." Hannes butted in, standing behind Levi, using him as protection.

"Oh, well my bad. Also, Commander, this wasn't a one night stand. As you can see, we are fully clothed." Erwin said, smacking Levi's small head. "Know your place boy."

Levi rolled his grey eyes at the taller man, keeping his arms crossed. He looked back over to the bed to find you "sleeping" there, comfortably.

"Commander Erwin with her? Oh you could at least settle on someone more organized." Levi mumbled, to only be slapped in the head again.

"You know nothing Levi, now get out of my office!" He yelled, causing you to open your e/c eyes. Your gaze fixated on the two arguing men, than the other blonde, who stood there awkwardly.

You lifted yourself out of bed, ignoring all of them and grabbing your shoes. You sat down and slipped on your boots as the three looked at you confused.

"What? Is my hair messy again?" You asked, touching your hair.

"Oh uh, no. Sorry, excuse us sir." Hannes said, dragging Levi behind him. Levi groaned at you as the two flew by.

As soon as they were out of sight a loud laugh emerged from your mouth. "You should of seen your faces!" You laughed, slipping on your other shoe. Rising to your feet, Erwin approached you with a smile.

"Yes, that was a good one." He said, placing his hands on his sides.

"Oh, did you like wrapping your arms around me last night?" You smirked, teasing him.

Erwin blushed slightly. "That's enough captain, you have already caused enough trouble already."

You smiled and closed the gap between you two, your bodies now touching. Erwin tucked your hair behind your ear, reveling your face. The two of you stood there for a few moments before stepping back, and becoming flustered.

"Oh, so do you feel alright now?" He asked, looking at you.

"Yes, yes sir. I feel fine, thank you." You replied.

"Good, good." An awkward silence came amongst you two.

"Well, breakfast. Let's eat." You said, breaking the tension.

"Breakfast, right." He nodded, seeing you to the door and to the dining hall.

"Boom, found out where your girlfriend was. Good luck competing with that." Jean teased Reiner, tapping his shoulder before leaving the table with Marco...

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