two - yeah right

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hi!! remember; english is not my first language so my writing might not be the best but im trying

george woke up feeling dead. absolutely horrible. he felt like having the worst hungover ever without even drinking anything.

george took a big glass for himself and filled it with ice cold water. he took a small sip from it and put it down on the table. george then opened a cabinet right next to the fridge and took his medication bottle.

he slowly opened it and took one pill. these didn't taste that bad. george put the pill in his mouth and swallowed it with his ice cold water. his glass was now almost empty but he took it with him anyway.

"george, is it you?" a soft woman voice said. "yeah," george answered as a brunette lady walked in the kitchen.

she had about shoulder-lenght curly dark brown hair. her eyes were also dark brown, just like george's. the woman was wearing a  beautiful pearl-colored dress which had small pastel flower print on it. she had also a pearl necklace, golden earrings, and glasses on her face. she looked like she's going somewhere important.

"why are you looking like that?" she asked george. george was wearing a dark blue oversized hoodie with some food stains on it and gray sweatpants. his hair was a full mess.

"i had a rough night, i guess" george answered quietly. "oh, about that, dream called me. he asked why aren't you answering him" the lady said and looked at her phone only to see that it was already 11.56 o'clock.

"frick, i need to hurry, bye george!" she said and ran outside to her car. "bye mom" george said but she was already gone. dream had called his mom?

george went back to his room thinking about what her mom had said. why had dream called her? it wasn't that big of a deal. well, dream was a huge overthinker and george knew it.

george sat down and opened his computer. waiting for his computer to open, he rubbed his tired eyes. george opened discord and saw many messages from dream and sapnap. they were mixed with angry and worried emotions.

not really what george wanted to see, but he wasn't really surprised about that. i won't answer to these, george thought. however he went to check the groupchat and said hi. it came automatically and was now sent.

not even 10 seconds later dream called george on discord. george took a big breath before answering the call. "hi" he said right away.

"george, you know i want an explanation and i want it right fucking now." dream said sounding pretty mad. george gulped and closed his eyes for a second.

dream sounded really mad, and george didn't like that. he hated when people were mad at him. especially when it was his boyfriend.

"i- i dont have an explanation" george muttered. "yes you do!" dream said loudly. "and i want you to tell me it" he continued. george was getting really anxious. he didn't know what to say.

"dream, i'm really sorry but.."

"but what? you like to make people worried just for fun, huh?"

"i broke my phone, thats why i couldn't answer you last night"

"yeah right"

"dream i'm not joking"

"i am not joking either. do you know how fucking worried we were last night when you didn't answer?"

"why are you so angry?"

"oh shut up, why are you acting so weird?"

"i'm not, you are. you are not even letting me tell what happened last night"

"aight, tell me then"


george wanted to tell dream about his problems and thoughts so bad, but he was afraid. dream was seriously mad and frustrated right now. maybe he could get even more mad. that's something george definitely didn't want to happen.

"i was just really tired," george answered dream. "tired of me? okay, i get it" dream stated and immediately left the call. fuck, fuck, fuck. george didn't know how to react. what was that? there's no way he's that mad.

george was just staring at his screen, his and dreams latest messages on discord. suddenly he saw three dots pop up down his screen. dream was writing something.

george took a bit better position on his chair and impatiently waited for dream to send the message. the dots went away and a short message came up on the screen.

"text me when you're not feeling tired and have an actual reason." it read. george's eyes soon filled with tears but he didn't want to cry. one tear fell down his cheek, but he dried it with his sleeve right away. he wanted to be strong and show that to dream.

he'd call dream later, just not right now. no matter what, george really wanted to tell dream about his negative thoughts. he just didn't know how.

george started to think about different ways to tell him everything. i have depression. no. i am mentally ill. fuck no. it was hard. nothing sounded good.

'hi dream, i know you are annoyed with me and my actions and i want you to know that i'm really sorry. i shouldn't have ignored you and act so weird. i actually have a reason for all this.

when i said i was tired, i didn't lie. i actually am depressed and dealing with negative thoughts every single day and it's pretty hard for me. i hope you understand me and won't leave me because of this. i love you so much.'

that sounds pretty good, atleast better than the previous ones. george had to prepare himself for this. he really hoped dream would understand him. there's no way he wouldn't, but george was fearing for the worst.

george closed his eyes and imagined how it'd go if it went horribly wrong. he would call dream and explain it all. every single thing from feeling tired to wanting to die.

dream would be really confused. he'd probably think that george is lying. he'd call george a liar, an attention seeker. he would break up with george. maybe dream would even tell lies to sapnap about george so he would leave george too.why would anyone want to be friends with a liar?

george's thoughts were getting worse and worse. he opened his eyes just to realise he was breathing pretty loud again. it's fine, it's fine, he told himself. everything is okay. that's just the absolute worst scenario of what could happen.

george knew dream, he knew that dream was just a very sensitive person and he also knew that dream loved him more than anything or anyone else. dream would understand george and he would support him.

he would get mad easily, but besides that dream was amazing. a loving, caring, understanding guy. a perfect boyfriend but only for george. george and dream had been together for almost an year, and george was planning to spend the rest of his life together with dream. they'd move together, maybe someday in 10, 15 years have even kids.

but now, george just had to tell dream everything.

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