four - 4 am

466 10 16

TW// blood, death

he punched the wall until his knuckles were bleeding. he bit his lips until they were bleeding. he picked on his fingers until they were bleeding. he cried until his head was hurting. he screamed until his voice was gone.

he was in pain. he was stressed. he didn't sleep. he didn't eat. this feeling was unknown for him and it was going on for days. every day he was feeling this way. it was scary.

he needed to know everything. he needed to know everything all the time. dream was not feeling okay.

he took his phone and called sapnap. "sapnap, did george tell you?" dream asked sapnap. "dream it's fucking 4am.." sapnap mumbled. "did he tell me what? are you crying?" sapnap asked with a raspy just-woken-up voice.

"he is ill and he needs help, i need to help him" dream said quietly. he had been awake for almost 50 hours. he couldn't sleep. the only thing he could do was to think about george. he was afraid he'd lose george.

"what are you talking about? like what kind of ill?" sapnap asked curiously. he could hear dream was not doing okay. he could hear pain in his voice. a lot of pain.

"i'm scared i'll lose him! what if he dies?!" dream asked loudly and started to cry, even more. sapnap had never seen dream this way. in so much pain.

sapnap didn't know what to do or what to say. he was so confused. "dream, i don't understand? why would he die?" sapnap asked now becoming really concerned. "what is going on?" sapnap asked right after.

"you don't understand! he could fucking die and you don't give a fuck about it!" dream shouted and ended the call. dream was out of this world. nothing was feeling right,

dream buried his head in his hands as he sat on his bed. he was crying so much. his head was hurting but he didn't want to take a painkiller.

now he felt betrayed. why didn't sapnap understand him? all he did was ask some stupid questions.

dream stood up and looked in the mirror. what a horrible sight. messy and oily hair. oilyness was really easy to see on his dirty blond hair. especially when it never was oily. dream used to wash his hair everyday.

now he couldn't .dirty clothes. the same ones he'd been using for the past four days. four days had already been gone of this pain.

dream wanted to help george so bad but he didn't know how.

dream took his phone and went to messages. 'hi baby, how are you doing?' he texted george. minutes went by with no answer. dream didn't realise it was 4am. george was sleeping.

dream was starting to go insane. slowly he was starting to come obsessive with george. he needed to know everything. if george didn't answer him, he started to panic. after 15 minutes, still no answer.

dream stood up and punched his wall. his knuckles were already hurting so much. his hands had dried blood all over them and they were shaking all the time.

he knew he needed to stop hurting himself, but he couldn't. he knew he needed to sleep, but he couldn't.

dream was lying on the floor when his phone suddenly vibrated. he was hoping it was george. he got up from the floor so fast, he started to feel dizzy. his eyes blurred and he couldn't feel his legs. he almost fell, but he could just about keep his balance.

when he could see again, he took his phone and opened it immediately. it wasn't george. instead it was sapnap. 'yo, u rly should sleep. u r not urself, please' the message said.

dream's eyes started to water again as he read the message. not enough for him to cry, but almost. 'whay if geprgw dioes?' (what if george dies?) dream answered sapnap. his writing was not good because of his shaking hands and watery eyes.

dream sat down on his bed and stared at his phone. soon another message popped up from sapnap. 'let's make a deal. u go get some sleep and i'll talk to gogy, ok?' it said. 'buy he difn't anseer me' (but he didn't answer me) dream wrote and sent.

he was really tired. he could fall asleep any time soon. most definitely if he closed his eyes. he laid down as he waited for an answer from sapnap. 'he is sleeping i promise u. he'll wake up soon, it's like almost 10am for him. i'm sure he'll text u back when he wakes up. now go to sleep, ok? ' another message said.

dream read the message but still didn't know what to do. he knew he needed to sleep because no matter what he would pass out anytime soon wanted he it or not. he wouldn't be able to stop falling asleep.his body and mind needed to rest. soon they would stop working completely.

he also wanted to stay awake and wait for george to answer him. he was afraid george was already dead and that would be why he didn't answer dream. his thoughts were running and flying all around. he didn't even know what was real anymore.

dream finally put his phone down and took a look at his room. after that he would go to sleep. he had to. as he looked down on the floor, he could see george's dead body lying there.

dream got up from his bed and went closer to george. "george?" he whispered. george was lifeless. he was blueish and his lips were purple.

dream collapsed on his knees right next to his dead boyfriend. his eyes filled with tears that soon were rolling down his cheecks. "no.." dream said quietly as looking at george.

dream grabbed george's ice cold hand and held it tightly with both of his hands. "no," dream said much louder now. he was shaking. he was staring at george's beautiful brown eyes. george's eyes were wide open and they were red.

"i knew it.." dream whispered. he couldn't stop looking at george's eyes. dream's hands were starting to get cold. "i fucking knew it." he said and closed his eyes.

he started to bawl. he was bawling his eyes out. after a minute or two of hard bawling his mind just told him to stop. and he stopped. he had to calm down. he wanted this situation to be peaceful for george.

he opened his eyes and looked at george's face. it was so beautiful. it was perfect. dream loved george's freckles that almost nobody knew about since they were so small. so small you could only see them if you were really close to george.

his beautiful deep brown eyes and his long lashes. his soft lips that dream always loved to kiss. his clear and soft skin with no mistakes. his hair that sometimes got too long. so long it would almost hide his eyes.

george's face calmed dream a little. he felt so safe with george next to him. almost like george was alive. dream felt like he could feel warmth from george's freezing body.

dream was smiling. he was deeply in love with george. he hoped they'd have a bright future with them together. now it was only dream. he was all alone.

dream laid carefully down on the floor right next to george. for the last time he stroked george's soft hair. it was so soft and shiny. he wouldn't be able to do it ever again.

"i love you so much baby.." dream whispered so quietly that even he couldn't almost hear it. he had cried and yelled so much that his voice was almost completely gone.

dream closed his eyes. he knew he had to let go of george even though he didn't want to. george was dead and there was nothing to do about it. tears were still rolling down his cheeks.

with his left hand he was holding george's hand and with his right hand he kept on stroking his hair. it was so calm. peaceful and quiet.

slowly everything started to go darker and darker until the darkness was fully black. nothing to hear, nothing to feel, nothing to see, nothing to smell. only darkness.

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