Last days on Earth

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"Any time soon..." Crusader Johnson sighs in anticipation for the new crew of the Nemesis ship to return to the settlement. The 4 survivors and TK had left Nova shortly after the transport fliers arrived with the crew, but not before they had stood and gazed in awe at the sight of the Dreadnought Megamek in its full glory standing outside the city where TK had parked it.

"47 and Chase? Are they okay?" Maya asks.

"Chase is tending to his own wounds, and 47 is at his own place, resting. I heard from one of the nurses that most of his ribs have already reformed and fully healed. Absolutely unbelievable!"

Loud noises similar to thunder emit from the bright clouds above. The Nemesis ship lowers itself from the skies and near the ground. The ship is absolutely massive, taking up the space of over a football field! After all, it is the equivalent of an aircraft carrier, but in the form of a spaceship. Maya and Johnson step back and hold their arms before their faces to block off the powerful gust of wind, as the nemesis II deploys its landing gear. The doors of the ship open and out steps the crew that consist of survivors who have all had a past life in one or the other of the military factions. Both URE soldiers and ones of the Federation armed forces.

"Sure did take you guys some time!" Johnson calls out.

"Yeah, we met on some complications. As we were trying to launch the ship's drives, we discovered that the nemesis is missing its second TEK power cell."

"And what problems could this cause us?" Johnson asks.

"We are able to utilize most of the ship's mechanisms with just one power cell, but we will not be able to get off-planet and use the hyperdrives without the second one. Not to worry though. We already got a guy who set out to look for it."

"You sent one man out there alone?!"

"Hey, we tried calling the settlement but a survivor by the name of 'Bob' picked up instead. He insisted he'd go alone, and well, knowing that square-jawed beast of a man, we are certain he won't fail."

Johnson just looks at the crewmate and blinks, then looks at Maya and enthusiastically goes

"Yup! That'll do!". She just giggles at it. The two walks off now ensured that the Nemesis ship has made it back in one piece.

"So, Maya, have you spoken to your mother about this?"

"Bout' what?"

"Y'knowww, going beyond this world?!"

"Yeah, she's well aware."

"So what's her opinion on it?"

"Mmm, well she isn't very fond of the idea of me going to space in a big warship, but she demands that if I'm going, then they're going too!"

"Huh?! They? Maya are you sure it'll be safe for your mother and little brother to come with us?"

"I'm not sure, but she demands it... Mom can get very stubborn, especially if it's about dad,"

"Well then. Let's cross our fingers that the Nemesis ship has some sort of living space in there for passengers!"

"Haha yes!"

"Crusader, you have an incoming call from TK. Would you like me to answer?" the element core asks as it suddenly pops out of thin air.

"Oh, hey there buddy! Well yes, answer it!"

The Element core projects a hologram display before it, and TK shows up, looking straight at the two survivors.

"Johnson, Maya! We saw the ship from up here at Mount bracken! I assume it went well and that we'll be ready to set off into space soon?"

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