A day off

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"Finally, a damn break!"

Maya is so relieved the big siege on the mountain facility is over. All survivors who took part in the battle have been dismissed, and are all having a well-deserved break. Chase, the leader of the mercenaries, has taken farewell with his men, who decided to continue on their journey down the continent to help survivors in need. Chase had made the choice to stay behind with Johnson and agent 47, to ensure their success in reaching the colony ship. Maya knew Chase would make the right choice. Although they don't know each other, and have barely interacted at all ever since they met, she could still see it in Chase's eyes. He's a man with a heroic spirit, and she knew he would not let them down.

"You did dang great, Maya."

Maya walks down the settlement streets with Bob and Johnson. Agent 47 is at his own house, sleeping.

"You sure did."

"Hehe, thanks guys, though I'm a bit worried, I met some guards earlier with heavy wounds and broken limbs... Not to mention Brian! Is that Carno okay?"

"Ah of course Brian is okay! That guy can take a hell of a beating, and something big ramming into his side is nothing he hasn't experienced before. And don't worry, according to the settlement doctors and nurses, they are all healable wounds. We were perfectly prepared."


"Crusader," a very quiet voice calls Johnson's name. It's the element core, once again hovering above his shoulder.

"What's up Lil guy,"

"Whilst you and the rest of the survivors were breaching the bracken facility, I received a direct transmission from off-planet. Would you like to take a listen?"

Johnson and Maya make eye contact, and Bob just stands there looking at them. The duo feels a gut-wrenching feeling, and in a split second, their heads are filled with questions.


*bzzzz* The element core starts making static noises before its light turns purple.

"ARRRGHHH!!! I'm livid! How could he even do that?! I had prepared the entire 'simulation' for our very showdown, but still, He and that little 'PUPPET' managed to defeat me!? The least I could do was show my respect, and bring him back to the real world with me."

The voice of an old man is heard in the transmission. It echoes over and over again.

"Is that," Johnson starts, and Maya ends his sentence with; "Edmund Rockwell."

"What is it that old asshat wants now!? I barely know the guy, but I'm already tired of him." Bob says.

"Your savior may have escaped the simulation, but I will ENSURE he never sees the likes of that dirt ball EVER AGAIN. Farewell, survivors of the Earth."

The transmission ends, and the element core turns back to normal, disappearing into thin air like it usually does.

Johnson and Maya are left staring at each other.

"Was he talking about the big man? 'bout Locke?"

Maya smiles softly at Johnson, a smile of hope, and Johnson just puts his hand on her shoulder.

"He did it. He escaped the trap he was put in." Johnson says.

"But hey you two, don't celebrate much further, remember he's still stuck on that ship. This is merely a small victory."

"You're right Bob!" Johnson and Maya both say at the same time.

"Once that agent wakes up from his slumber, we'll get right to searching for means to get to that colony ship."

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