Mentor and apprentice

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"It's been over a month since our savior, Locke Terranova disappeared. Times have been tough since that night. The survivors need someone to guide them, and without him, we all feel a bit lost. The best I can do is to work on the task he handed me before he left. I must go visit his family, And maybe I can check up on how his daughter, Maya, is doing."

Maya was Locke's firstborn and the oldest sibling of the two. She was the usual nerdy-like girl, being a fan of shows and such from the early 21st century. This started to change slowly though as Johnson started bringing her to training lessons with him. After a little while, she eventually got used to wielding swords and taking aim with various types of bows.

It's late afternoon, Johnson and Maya are at the training grounds, and Johnson is taking notes on Maya's progression with speed and agility when in duels.

"Johnson?" Maya runs up to Johnson panting and breathing heavily.

"What's up Maya?"

Maya tries to catch her breath. This training session has been going on for a while and Maya has given everything she got.

"What's up."

She eventually catches her breath but only looks down at her feet when she does. Something's clearly wrong and Johnson can already tell.

"What's the matter, Maya?"

"I'm worried..."

"Worried?" asks Johnson.

"...Do you think dad is doing okay... Do you think he'll come back soon"

Johnson just stands there, looking at Maya for a little while before kneeling down and putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Listen, Maya, no one knows where Locke went, or why he had to leave. Not even the man himself knew. He had no idea what was going to happen. All we were aware of was that the place he was sent to is called the 'genesis simulation', more than that though... We don't know..."

"What if he doesn't come back...?"

"Look, I know you are worried about your father... but can I tell you something? He was scared too."

Maya looks up with a worried expression, clearly holding back tears. She starts to sniffle. Johnson realizes that what he said didn't help at all, but he carries out with it.

"Yes Maya, your father was scared too. I could tell he was. By the fear in his eyes, I could tell how worried he was. He didn't want to leave us here all alone."

"But you, Maya! I can assure you, there's no reason to worry about your father. He's strong, really strong, You know what he's been through. Taking down Locke would be like trying to move a mountain, no matter how strong the foe is, it's nearly impossible to pull him down."

Johnson wipes away Maya's tears and looks her straight into the eyes. He hugs her. Tightly.

"I promise you, whatever happens, you'll be okay... W-we... We will be okay..."

Johnson lets go of Maya and pats her shoulders before getting up again.

"But hey champ, let's not make this day sad and depressing ey!? Let's go, you did great today! Soon you'll be ready for the test I have for you..."

Maya's face brightens up a bit, and she smirks, probably feeling a bit better now. They both walk off together, and Johnson walks Maya to her home where her Mom, Aurora is waiting.

"Sweetie you look exhausted! Seems like Mr. Johnson really got you movin' today!"

Aurora giggles as Maya pushes past her into the house.

"Yeah yeah, Love you too mom-"

Johnson chuckles too.

Aurora looks back down at Johnson standing at the end of the porch stairs.

"Thank you for bringing Maya with you to these training sessions of yours. I really appreciate it.

Being alone with the kids while Locke is gone can become stressful very, very fast."

"Ah no worries Mrs. Terranova, I'm just doing my job."

A boy's voice is heard calling for Aurora from inside the house, most likely the younger child, Eric.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" Aurora shouts back.

"I should be on my way shouldn't I, *chuckles* Hey Mrs. Aurora, if you'd ever need any help with anything, then I'm here to assist you. You know where to find me."

They say their goodbyes and Johnson heads home where he makes himself a hot cup of tea, sits down by the table, and watches the sunset as it shines in through his window.

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