𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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I woke up feeling a little weird, I opened my eyes and saw sukuna just staring at me. "You finally woke up" he said. "Do you remember what happened?" I said. "Of course I do" he said. Fuck I really thought he wasn't going to remember anything. "I hope no one finds out" I said. "And why not?" He said.

"Obviously not, we aren't anything sukuna" I said about to get up until he pulled me back and we were inches away from touching lips. "how about if I say we are" he said smirking. He slowly took his hand and held my chin. "sukuna please don-" he placed his lips on mine, his lips felt very soft and addictive but I then realized what I was doing and pushed him off.

I was lucky enough to get him off of me, I stood up about to open the door til he grabbed my wrist and pinned me on the wall. "Don't run away y/n I know you like what I'm doing" he said. He wasn't wrong but I couldn't be with him.

He went back to his seat and said "don't forget about the launch party today I will be waiting" I nodded and opened the door and closed it. I hope no one caught us or something.

I went back home since I didn't have work for the day just the whole launch party thing, why did I agree to it, I thought to myself. Well, I can't do anything now it's in a few hours anyway.

A few hours later.

I remembered that sukuna said he had a gift for me I guess it's this box. I opened it and it revealed a beautiful black dress, I took it off the box to get a better view of the dress it was long and had a side slit on the right.

Then I saw another small box, I opened it and it revealed a thigh garter. There was a note and said.

hope you wear this thigh garter in those beautiful thighs you have there, also the dress may not be your comfort zone but l promise you will look good in it. Can't wait to see you all put together ;)

— sukuna

"Oh, sukuna you will see that I would look good on this hope you won't get jealous with other guys seeing me" I told myself.

It took me about an hour to get myself ready, I finally went to the mirror and look at myself "wow" was the only thing that came out of my mouth. I just never thought I would look this good.

I kept staring at myself for I don't know how long until I heard a knock, that's it I grabbed my purse and phone and went to the door and opened it.

"Wait did you seriously planned this?!" I said. "we are just matching colors calm down" he said. I won't lie he did look even better than before. "You look beautiful" he said looking up and down at me. "Sukuna my eyes are here" I pointed at my eyes "but thanks you are too" I said. He smirked and grabbed my hand to his car.

30 minutes later

We arrived, the place was so beautiful. I looked at everything around me but then went to serious mode since it was the companies party.

I saw megumi which I wanted to go but sukuna pulled me to him. "You won't go anywhere okay? especially not with him" he whispered on my ear which gave me chills down my spine.

"You can't boss me around like if I was something to you like I get it your my boss but you aren't my boyfriend to tell not to talk to any guy" I said. "Fine go ahead, you will regret it later" he said.


To be continued...

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐔𝐏 ヽ r. 𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now