Chapter 1

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A/N: I just have to say thank you all so much for the amazing feedback!

A month later.

Eve's phone lit up, signaling she had a new text message. Eve unlocked the device and saw the message from Chris.

I'm home. Can I see you today?

They'd been texting each other since Eve had given her phone number to Chris. Eve was a bit apprehensive of seeing Chris in person again, however. If her father were to catch her with him, she'd be done for.

Eve replies: I don't dad would murder me...

Aside from his unfortunate amount of bigotry, Eve's father, Paul Lawrence, was a decent certain ways...okay maybe not. He wanted what he thought was best for the people of his church and for the daughter he raised. He meant well, he really did; he just didn't always show it in the best way. It didn't always turn out well...

Chris replies: Don't worry about that. Just show up at Starbucks at your usual time. I'll handle it.

Eve wasn't sure what he meant by that. However, she did want to see him again. Maybe she should just trust him...

Eve sighed. She put on a pair of boots, grabbed her messenger bag, put on her coat and decided to go. She texted a quick 'ok' to Chris, then walked out into the livingroom. There sat Paul, sitting in his recliner, reading today's newspaper with a diet coke on a coaster on the small table next to him. A Jeopardy episode was playing on the television.

"Heading out, sweeite?" Paul asks.

"Mhm. I'll be home before dinner."

"Alright. Be careful. I love you."

"I love you too, Dad." Eve says. The front door was already open, leaving only the screen door. She walked out of the squeaky screen door and let it shut behind her.

It was a nice, cool day. There was a small breeze that brought a bit of a chill into the air. Eve walked away from the house, passed her father's church and the cemetery attached. It was a decent sized church, and it had a large following. Eve and Paul lived right next to the church, which was convenient for Paul as he was there often. He was always either working, or visiting his late wife in the cemetery.

Eve continued on her way to Starbucks.


When Eve arrived at the coffee shop, Chris was already there. Her eyes went to his immediately, as did his to hers. Eve stepped in line, wanting coffee. She could feel Chris' eyes on her the entire time.

Once she got her coffee, Eve's eyes went to Chris once again, silently asking what to do. He gave her an adventurous smile, and nodded to the seat behind him. Eve nodded and walked over. When she sat down, she and Chris were back to back.

Eve waited for Chris to say something, but he never did.

Instead, Eve's phone buzzed.

Eve looked at her phone, and she had a text...from Chris.

Wait 5 min.

2784 Sycamore Ave.

You'll find a path. Follow it.

What? Eve was beyond confused. She turned around to ask Chris what this meant, but he was gone.

Eve turned back around and sipped her coffee, pondering her next move. Should she do this? Eve couldn't help but find this all a bit sketchy...

God, she was beginning to think like her father. Paul had good intentions, he really did; he just put them together in the wrong way. He was afraid of the world that took his wife, and he hid away from it in the church; and he took his anger out on Eve a lot. However, he was also very protective of Eve because of the fact that he lost his wife; he did everything he could to protect his daughter from anything and everything he could; to keep her as pure and as perfect as possible...

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