Chapter 12

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The days seemed to get increasingly longer as they went by without Chris. It broke Eve's heart even more as the days went by, knowing that this was how it was to be from now on. She began to wonder if she'd made the wrong decision by asking Chris to leave her life. Yes, when Paul found out about Eve and Chris, he gave Eve one of the most horrible beatings she'd ever recieved. Yes, the beatings would have gotten worse - Paul probably would have killed Eve had she tried to stay with Chris. Yes, Eve and Paul were getting along much better now that Chris was out of the picture - even though Eve was almost always faking it; and the two of them only really got along when Paul was sober. But...maybe, for Chris, it would be worth it if Eve and Paul's relationship had disintegrated.

Maybe it would be easier if Eve could make some friends at the university, but she had none. No one wanted to be around Eve. Not with Paul Lawrence's reputation.

However, when Eve was at school, she could at least for a little while, be partially herself. She couldn't be her total self, of course, out of fear that someone may rat her out to Paul and what he woudl do. Aren't people supposed to love their parents, not fear them?

Despite how she thought, talked, or acted at school, Eve was the perfect angel at church - as she always was. She couldn't be anything less than that or Paul would disprove. Eve was afraid of what may come with that...

Paul's drinking seemed to have gotten worse over the last three months. He and Eve hadn't talked about the whole Chris incident since it happened, but Eve knew that Paul was constantly thinking about it; and that it was a big reason for his drinking now. And with the drinking came even more abuse. It wasn't ever a full-on beating though - Eve hadn't recieved one of those since Paul found out about her and Chris. It was normally just a slap or a shove; not that that's really any better. They always left a mark.

Now, Eve was preparing to leave for class. She filled her tan messenger bag with her usual things and put her phone in it as well.

Eve was wearing a cream colored shin length halter dress with a blue floral pattern on it and a black sash across it. Over that, she had on a black sweater, and on her feet were black combat boots. Eve wore her mother's cross necklace around her neck, her glasses on her face, and a couple of bracelets on her wrists. She wore no makeup, and her curls were in a bun in the center of the back of her head. A few loose strands hung down.

Eve slings her messenger back over her shoulder and walks out of her bedroom.

"Dad, I'm heading to class!" Eve calls.

"Okay, have a good day, sweetie!" Paul calls in return.

That was weird. He seemed to be in a pretty good mood considering today was Erica's birthday. This day is usually so difficult on him...

Eve walks out of the house and into the March air. It was pretty gray and wet outside. It was about 50 degrees, but there was still a bit of snow on the ground. It would probably all be melted by the end of the day though.

Eve first walked to Starbucks, as she usually did before class. Eve shivered a bit as she approached the corner. Starbucks was just across the street. Eve looked over, and saw a familiar face walking out.


Eve just stared at him. He was talking on the phone with someone. Eve couldn't make out what he was saying though. He looked different, somehow. His hair was longer, darker - he must had recently redyed it - and he appeared to be drawing on his eyebrows differently.

And he didn't notice Eve.

Or maybe he did, but he just wasn't acknowleding her as Eve had asked of him to do in her letter.

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