Chapter 13 (Trigger Warning)

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A/N: Trigger Warning for abuse. Like seriously this time though. If you legit are or have experienced and/or are sensitive extreme abuse, do not read the second half of this chapter. I will mark it with a (*).

Chris stood in the room, looking around at all of the work he and the guys had gotten done today. It looked great. This had to work...

"Okay, flip the switch." Ryan says as he finishes hooking up the light.

Chris flips one of the two light switches on the wall, and the room is suddenly darker; the only light is dim, and red. The guys smile.

"It's perfect." Chris says, smiling. He flips the switch again and the light goes back to normal.

"So what's your plan?" Ricky asks.

"Well, tomorrow, I'm going to - " But Chris gets cut off by the sound of someone's phone ringing.

Everyone starts digging through their pockers and grabbing their phones.

"Not me." Ghost says.

"Nope." Balz says.

"Chris?" Vinny asks.

Chris was staring down at his phone, frozen.

"You okay, man?" Ryan asks.

Chris swallows, then speaks, "I just got a text...'Secret hiding place. 20 minutes. SOS. - Eve'."

Everyone's eyes widen.

"So...What are you going to do?" Ryan asks.

Chris taps a few things on his phone, then looks back up, "I'm gonna go get her."


Chris runs down the path, turning his head left and right, searching for Eve.

"Eve!" Chris calls, running further and further down the path as fast as his legs would carry him, "Eve!"

His eyes continued to search for her as the day slowly turned into night around him. It was getting dark. Where was she? He had to find her. Was she okay? What could have happened? Why did she suddenly change her mind? It had to have been something serious.

"Eve! It's me! It's Chris! Where are you?! Eve!" Chris calls.


Chris stopped dead in his tracks. He paused a second, then slowly turned around. Eve stood about twenty feet away from him in a cream colored dress with blue flowers on it, and a black sweater over it.

Eve let her messenger bag fall to the round without a care and ran up to Chris as fast as she could run while wearing a dress. She runs straight into Chris' arms and immediately starts sobbing.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Chris. I'm sorry."

"Sshhhh...don't apologize." Chris says, holding Eve as close and as tight to him as he could.

"I'm sorry, Chris; I was selfish, I thought it was the only way -"

"No no no, it's okay, it's okay."

Eve continues to cry, "I promise I won't ever leave you ever again. You're who I want to be with."

Chris smiled, but then it faded. He sighs.

"Maybe you shouldn't say that." He says as he breaks the embrace.

"What do you mean?" Eve asks, wiping her tears away from under the rim of her glasses.

Chris runs a hand through his hair, "Um..." He starts, "Okay...While we were in the UK...Well, long story short...I slept with another girl."

Eve pauses a minute, taking this in, "Oh." She says.

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