Chapter 3

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"And lately, it seems like we've formed a new tradition. We'll hang out before her classes and on Wednesdays, and we'll go to my place, grab some vanilla coke, then we'll take the Thunderbird and drive up to the hill." Chris says.

Chris had hung out with Eve every day that week. He was now telling the guys all about his little "adventures" with her. He was really starting to like her.

"She's super fun, and - oh! She likes hockey!" Chris says, "Anyway; she was with her dad yesterday and she is now too, but we're texting."

"But it's a Sunday." Balz points out.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm texting her during the church service, big whoop." Chris deadpans, "She texted me first. I'm simply carrying on the conversation; it's the polite thing to do."

"If her dad ever finds out about you two -"

"Ooh, yeah, I'm so scared of a cranky old pastor." Chris says sarcastically, cutting Ryan off.

"If Paul Lawrence ever finds out about you and Eve, what he says to you is the least of your worries. You've heard the stories." Ricky says.

"Of course I have...but still, Eve is an adult. She should be able to make her own decisions." Chris says.

"Why does she stay with her dad?" Vinny asks.

"Because he told her if she stayed with him while she went to college, he'd pay for her tuition."

"Are you sure it isn't something more than that?" Ghost asks.

"Look, I've been talking to Eve that month on tour, and the week we've been home; so not very long. I don't know her life story."

"But you're getting there?" Balz asks.

"Oh, totally. I'm gonna start taking her up to the hill more often."

"Ooh la la..." Ryan sings.

"Shut up! It isn't like that." Chris says, "Eve is smart and fun and pretty and..."

"And what?" Ricky asks.

"And different." Chris says, "She's different. She's innocent, but she's also the kind of girl that would take you to crash a wild party on the weird side of town." Chris says, "She wears all those conservative clothes and concealing dresses; but underneath, she's got all these piercings and these tattoos and these legs...and she wears those big glasses that back in high school I would have made fun of someone for wearing because they looked nerdy; but on her, they're cute. And underneath are these eyes; the sexiest and evilest eyes you've ever seen. I'll bring her to meet you guys eventually, and you'll see."

"I don't know, man. Something about her story just doesn't add up." Vinny says.

"Have you ever asked her about the stories about her dad?" Ghost asks.

"She's mentioned them once or twice, but has never gone into great detail about them. But guys, we all know what it's like to have rumors spread about us. And they're all just that: rumors. Not that I'm defending Paul Lawrence or anything because he's a fucking dick, but I'm sure that none of the whispers on the street about him are true. Just like none of them about us are true, right?"

They all look at each other and nod, seeming to agree.

Chris' phone suddenly buzzes.

"Is that her?" Balz asks.

"Ooh, someone's got a booty call." Ryan teases.

The text from Eve read: Secret hiding place.

Chris knew what that meant. It meant to meet in the forest; the path by the old house.

Another text came in from Eve that simply read: SOS

"I've gotta go." Chris says, now sounding concerned.

"Everything okay?" Ricky asks.

"I'm about to find out."


Chris continued to text Eve as he went to their spot.

Chris: Are you okay?

Eve: Are you on your way?

Chris: Yes. What's going on?

Eve doesn't respond.

Okay, now Chris was beginning to worry, as if he weren't already. Once he got to the old house, he immediately began running down the path, searching for Eve.

"Eve!" He calls, looking all around for her.

Eve then walks out from behind a tree, as if she'd been hiding. Her eyes and cheeks were stained with tears, and more were running down her face. Chris' eyes widened.


Eve runs up to him. They collide and Eve throws her arms around Chris' tattooed neck, sobbing. Chris held Eve close to him, growing increasingly worried for her by the second.

Chris breaks the embrace and looks down at her, "Eve, honey, what happened?"

"I'm sorry, I just, I didn't - I didn't know who else to go to and -"

"No, no, it's okay, it's okay. I'm glad you came to me...What happened?"

A/N: To be continued, haha. What do you guys think happened?

QOTD: Favorite TV show? I love a lot of CW shows. The Originals, Vampire Diaries, The 100, One Tree, Hill. And Friends! AND DRAKE AND JOSH.

xoxo, Scissorhands.

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