Chapter 17 (Explicit Content)

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Eight days later.

Eve awoke in the warm embrace of her boyfriend. She let out a long exhale and snuggled herself more into Chris. She then hears a deep chuckle and feels a kiss on her forehead.

"Good morning, beautiful." Chris whispers, "Well, actually, it's barely morning anymore. It's almost quarter after eleven."

Eve giggles and and looks up to Chris, "I love waking up next to you."

"Well good, cause - with the exception of days I'm gone on tour - this is how you're gonna wake up every day for forever."

Eve laughs, "I think I can deal with that."

"Good." Chris says before quickly kissing her, "So. I was thinking: now that you're healed up a bit more, we need to go out and celebrate your freedom. And I also think that before I leave for tour, you and I need to 'run away' for a weekend - just to get you some place new. How does a nice evening with all of our friends next Friday and then a weekend away sound?"

Eve smiles, "That sounds absolutely wonderful."

Chris kisses the girl next to him, so happy to finally be able to have the one he loved after working so hard to get her. He gently pushes her down so that he's on top of her as his lips dance across hers. His tattooed hands roam her body, and he craved every bit of her. He wanted to taste every inch of her.

Eve ran her fingers through Chris' dark hair and tugged on one of his lip rings with her teeth. Chris growls she begins to suck up and down her neck as his hands roam her legs. Eve throws her head back to give him more leverage and closes her eyes, in absolute heaven. Chris' cold lip rings trail up her jawline and he lightly bites her earlobe. Eve giggles and turns to kiss him again. Their tongues trace each other and fight for dominance. Chris' hands go up Eve's legs until they reach her ass. Eve runs her hands up and down Chris' chest - he wasn't wearing a shirt - wanting to feel more of him...

They come apart momentarily, breathing heavily. Eve's sky colored eyes looked back into his caramel colored ones, falling in love with him all over again. Chris gave her a small smile and brushed a few strands of Eve's curly hair out of her face. He then simply...stared at her a moment. She was so, so beautiful. The bruises on her face were nearly gone. Chris often feared what would have had happened had they not reunited. What would Paul have done...?

No. Chris refused to think like that.

Chris quickly kisses Eve again, then speaks, "Coffee?"

"Duh." Eve says, "But...let's continue this tonight."

Chris' smile slowly turns into a smirk, "I like that idea."

After a few more kisses exchanged, they get out of bed. Eve grabs her glasses and puts them on, then piles her tangled mess of curls into a bun. They walk into the kitchen and Eve hops up into the counter.

"I'm excited to have you all day tomorrow." Chris says. Tomorrow was Wednesday, and Eve would have no classes.

"I just hope I don't have some super hard assignment to do. You know, I've had a lot of trouble finding inspiration lately. I mean, if it's something specific for school or for a client, then I can whip it up easy because they want a specific or particular thing; but as far as finding something to do just for me, I'm having trouble...I've sort of been at a loss."

Chris thinks a minute and hands Eve a coffee mug. He then smiles.

"Paint your studio." He suggests, "Paint the walls, paint the ceiling, paint the floor. Do something that couldn't fit on just a canvas."

Eve thinks a minute, then smiles, "I like that." She says, "I sold a couple of paintings and one of my sculptures online, so I've definitely got the money to get the supplies I need. I'll get them tomorrow."

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