Chapter 18

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Eve's eyes fluttered open the next morning. She blinks a couple of times as memories from the night before flood her mind. A smile creeps its way across her face. Both she and Chris were laying on their stomachs, and Chris had an arm draped over Eve. Eve took a moment to observe the tattoos on Chris' upper arms and back that she'd never seen or paid attention to. They were all so incredible. It made Eve want to get almost every inch of her body tattooed.

"Like what you see?"

Eve smiles and looks into the dark eyes of the man laying next to her.

"Always." She says.

Chris chuckles and pulls Eve to him before kissing her deeply. Eve smiles into it and wraps her arms around Chris' lips. If heaven was real, this was it. They come apart and Eve snuggles herself into Chris' chest. For a moment, they just lay there in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's presence.

Chris' fingers gently trace the faded scars on Eve's back.

"You're so beautiful." He whispers, "I love you."

Eve smiles, "I love you too."

"So what's on the agenda for today?"

"I dunno. What time is it?"

"A little after ten."

"Oh! I need to get the stuff for painting my studio."

Chris smirks, then leans down and kisses Eve's temple. His hands go to her legs and trace them and he keeps kissing down until he reaches the sensitive spot on Eve's neck. He hooks one of Eve's legs around his hip and continues to suck up and down her neck.

"Do your have to go right away?" He whispers, huskily.

Eve sighs, dramatically, "Ohh, I suppose I can wait a bit."

Chris chuckles, then rolls them over so that he's on top of her and he kisses her perfect lips again.


Chris opens his eyes a couple hours later to find that Eve wasn't next to him. He blinks a couple times and stretches. He wondered where Eve was...

As if on cue, Chris hears the front door open. The bedroom door was open, so Chris could see Eve as she walked past the bedroom door and into the studio, carrying two large jugs of paint. Her hair was piled into a messy bun. She was wearing converse, a pair of faded jean shorts covered in paint stains and an oversized black and gray flannel shirt that Chris assumed Eve was using as her smock - also covered in paint stains. Eve walks out of her studio and back outside.

Chris throws on some clothes and walks outside as well. He sees Eve. She wasn't wearing her glasses, so she must have had her contacts in.

"Sexy outfit." Chris jokes.

Eve turns and sees him and smiles, "Thanks." She says. She tugs on the flannel shirt, "This was my dad's. To this day he still doesn't know I took it so shush."

"My lips are sealed." Chris says, "What are you doing?"

"Getting ready for my little project." Eve says, grabbing another jug of paint from the car, "You wanna help me?"

"Good Lord, how many of these did you get?" Chris asks, walking to the car.

"That one's the last one."

Chris grabs it and shuts the car door. They walk back inside the house and into the studio. They set the jugs down.

"What all did you get?" Chris asks.

"Maraschino, orioles, aureolin, harlequinn, coblat, indigo, snow, and obsidian."

"In English, please." Chris says.

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