Behind the Scenes

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Hey everyone! This is my Behind The Scenes chapter of "The Immaculate Misconception" where I tell you about all of the hidden twists you may not have caught. There are also many "stories within the story" that are explained here.

Paul actually believed he was protecting Eve by beating her. See, when Paul would get drunk, Eve resembled Erica even more. Because of this, Paul would become sexually attracted to Eve. However, even in his drunken state, he would usually either come to the conclusion that it was actually Eve and not Erica on his own, or because Eve tells him. By beating Eve, her face would turn red or bruised, therefore she no longer would resemble Erica, and therefore Paul's attraction to Eve would go away. This is why when in the chapter when Paul beats Eve with his belt, and Eve asks why Paul even keeps her around if he hates her so much for killing Erica, Paul responds that he is trying to protect Eve - because he actually is - in a very sick and twisted way. Paul forces himself to hate Eve while he's drunk in order to protect her from himself. When he sobers up, however, this problem is fixed. It is also no longer a problem after Paul goes to rehab.

Because Eve looks so much like Erica Lawrence, Paul most likely had Eve dressing the way he had her dress because it made her look that much more like Erica, and it was like having Erica around more. Which is also very sick.

I bet a lot of you are wondering how Paul hid Eve's scholarship from her. Well, when Eve got the acceptance letter to the university, HE read it to her, and saw that it was a good way to keep Eve with him if he told her he was paying for the school, rather than telling her about the scholarship. Eve was so happy that she'd gotten acceptance, she never even thought to look at the letter which would have told her about the scholarship.

When Eve is telling Chris about the party where she lost her virginity, she states that she made out with many PEOPLE. Not guys; people. This is to imply she may have been with a few girls as well.

When Eve sees Motionless in White in concert for the first time (in the prologue) she stood in the very back of the venue, which is how she went without getting destroyed in the mosh pit and how she avoided someone who knew of Paul Lawrence recognizing her. She didn't just stay in the back during the set though. She stayed behind the crowd during the signings and merch table lines as well which is how she was one of the last people there when she finally got to talk to Chris.

It is made clear that deep down, everyone knows who Paul Lawrence really is and what he does to Eve, but they don't admit it. In an early chapter, Paul tells Eve that a woman named Carla Jefferson saw her and Chris together. Carla actually saw Chris holding Eve's hand in Starbucks in a chapter before that and suspected a romance between them. However, she didn't tell Paul that much because she knew that he would be angry with Eve and could potentially do something very bad. In a later chaoter, Paul confronts Eve again and says a Michael Tonne saw them together. He saw Eve and Chris on the hill together in the beginning of the chapter. In fact, he saw them kiss. However, for the same reason as Carla, he withheld that information when telling Paul he'd seen them together.

A lot of you probably wonder what all happened with Chris and Eve during the month in between the prologue and the first chapter. Well, truth be told, the majority of it was innocent texting and the two of them really got to know each other. It made them like each other even more.

I was asked if the fact that Chris and Eve named their daughter Elaina has any significance because of the fact that hers, Eve's and Eve's mother's names all start with the letter 'E'. There actually is no significance. That's just a happy coincidence :)

Some of you may be wondering how exactly Erica Lawrence died. In all honesty, it was just a freak accident. She gave birth to Eve through C-section, and flat lined during the procedure. For whatever reason, the doctors unfortunately couldn't revive her.

Paul's church was originally his father's church. He and Erica met at that church because they both went there; and when Paul became old enough, he took over the church. When Erica became pregnant, Paul originally had hoped for a SON to pass the church on to, which is another reason why he began to resent Eve as she got older.

As I'm sure you could tell, the girl that Chris slept with in the UK, Katherine added no real conflict to the story except that she made Chris realize how to get Eve back. I really just added her to surprise my readers in that chapter. I just made her up to fuck with you guys cause I'm mean.

I will not be writing a sequel, so I will tell you guys this: Eve and Chris actually end up having another girl and they name her Phoenix.

Be on the look out for my new story *cough* *cough* series *cough* entitled, "Fatal: Part 1 (The Rain)". Part 1 of how many you ask?! Three. That's right, I'm writing you guys a trilogy and you're gonna love it!


Okay, it was probably pretty lame to get you guys all excited for my next story and THEN have to tell you this, but due to certain circumstances, I am going to have to go on a BRIEF hiatus. I WILL be back, I promise, I promise, I PROMISE. I'm not gonna be one of those authors that just falls off the face of the earth, I promise. These last couple months have just been be really busy for me and I literally haven't have TIME to write and because of that, I am EXTREMELY behind. I will be using this "hiatus" to catch up.

HOWEVER. I will be back no later than August 10th. If for some reason it ends up being later than that, I WILL post something. In the mean time, please stick with me and wait for this trilogy. I promise you won't regret it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I still have wattpad on my phone and will be able to respond to any messages or comments, I just won't be able to write for a while.

Thank you for understanding. New story will be up in August! I send my love to you all! Again, thank you for being patient and feel free to ask me about any questions or concerns you may have.

In the mean time, if you haven't already, check out my other stories and mark your calenders for my return 'cause it's gonna be epic.

xoxo, Scissorhands.

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