Chapter 10

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Chris tried calling Eve the entire drive home, and she didn't answer any of the calls. Chris was beginning to worry a lot more now. All he had that could tell him what was going oin was Eve's sketch book. What could be in there for him?

Chris grabbed the book and went into his house. He set the book down, took his jacket and shoes off, then took the book into his room. Chris made sure his phone's volume was up in case Eve called him back. He sat down on the bed, and opened the book.

When he first opened it, there was an envelope. The envelope read: See book first.

Chris decided to do what it said. He flipped through some of the pages of the book. At first, Chris was confused. These sketches were amazing; they showed off Eve's obvious talen very well. However, there was no significance to them that Chris could recognize...

And then he saw it.

There is no cure for Divine Infection.

Chris turned the page.

Spreading your legs for Master.

He turned the page again.

I don't care if this offends you.

This one showed Chris' arm around Eve. So she had drawn him before. Chris looked through some more of the pages. All of the sketches either incoroporated him or his lyrics in some way.

Chris smiled. This was amazing. He was touched that Eve wanted him to be a part of her art so much...

I long for a love that I know I can't have.

Then Chris remembered the envelope.

Chris ripped open the envelope to find a few folded up pieces of notebook paper. Chris unfolded them to reveal what he recognized as Eve's finest cursive handwriting. She'd written:

My Dearest Christopher,

I would firstly like to apologize for what you are about to read in the contents of this letter. I know how much you care for me, and you deserve much better than this. This letter will be the last you will ever hear of me. When you finish reading this, I will be nothing but a memory to you, as you are to me; and for that I am truly sorry.

When I arrived home today, my father was heavily intoxicated. This is nothing new. However, the reason he was drinking this time around was because he found my camera and this sketch book, and discovered what was going on with you and me. He yelled at me, and he beat me. This time though, was one of the worst beatings that I have ever recieved from him. I can't imagine what he'd have done if you were there...

Christopher...You deserve someone so much better than me. Despite my father's accusations of you, I know where your heart really is. You are a very large part of what little good is still left in this world. For that, I do believe that I could have fallen hopelessly, uncontrollably. and undeniably in love with you; and maybe I already have...but whether or not I have doesn't matter now, because we can never see each other again. I'm dangerous for you. If it weren't for the fact that you're leaving for tour, my father would hunt you down tomorrow and confront you. And because I know you, I know you wouldn't hurt him; because you wouldn't want to hurt me by doing so. And I don't want to think about what my father could do to you if you'd refuse to fight.

Chris began to tear up as he continued to read.

I also believe that you deserve someone who you can publicly and openly love. You deserve someone who you can actually be seen with outside of your own home. You deserve someone who you can take to meet your family without them remembering all of the terrible things your girlfriend's pastor father has said and done to them...You deserve someone who isn't me.

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