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Three and a half years later.

Eve stood in her new art studio - an actual building where she worked on and sold her art. She was actually standing in the gallery; the studio part of the building was in the back, where Eve could work in private. In the front part was the gallery, where Eve's paintings, drawings, sculptures, and photography were on display and could be sold.

Eve put a hand on her hip. Her nails were painted a dark purple color. She had a light makeup on as well. Eve also had almost a full sleeve of tattoos and she had many on her legs and back and other places as well. Blonde highlights ran through her curly strands of hair as well.

Eve's hair was piled into a bun and her glasses rested on her face. She wore a black Slipknot tank and jean shorts with converse.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Eve asks.

"No. You shouldn't be doing any heavy lifting." Paul says.

Eve rolls her eyes. Paul was helping her hang up a painting.

Paul steps back and looks at the painting on the wall. He smiles.

"See? Perfect."

Eve laughs, "Alright, alright." She says before reaching for her coffee.

"You really shouldn't be drinking coffee either."

"It's decaf." Eve says before bringing the foam cup to her lips.

The sunlight reflected off of her hand as she lifted the cup and set it down, casting a sparkling glint on the wall.

"Those rings are gonna blind someone someday." Paul laughs.

Eve smiles and looks down at her engagement ring and wedding band.

After Paul's arrest, he was given a trial, and was sentenced to six months of rehab and community service. Paul was absolutely willing to recieve any punishment or sentence headed his way - he'd even pleaded guilty. Fortunately, he made a full recovery. It took a while, but he was also eventually able to start over as a pastor and was reaccepted by his church community.

Paul was also able to accept Chris, and the two of them got along well. Chris even went to Paul first when thinking of proposing to Eve eleven months ago. By then, Paul knew that Chris wasn't who Paul previously thought Chris was, and he gave Chris his blessing to propose to Eve.



Chris walked into the church one week day while Eve was out running errands. He looked around. Paul was no where in sight, but Chris knew Paul was here somewhere.

"Paul?" Chris calls.

"One moment!" Paul calls from somewhere else in the church.

He walks out a moment later, "Ah, Chris. What can I do for you?"

"I'd like to speak with you about Eve."

"Is she okay?"

"Yes, yes, everything is fine. I just..." Chris trails, trying to find the words. Finally, he speaks, deciding to flat out say it.

"I'd like to propose to Eve."

Paul raises his eyebrows, "What?"

"I want to ask Eve to marry me."

Paul pauses, "Oh." He states, "I see. Are you requesting some kind of blessing?"

"Well, I'm going to do it whether you give me your 'blessing' or not; but I'd still like to be on your good side about it. I know Eve would be upset if you weren't fond of the idea..."

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