AllAboutZee Part 1 (Kara x Zee)

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Well this was a recommended idea, and I guess all do my best with this. Hope you enjoy, and sorry if I disappoint, but I'm proud of whatever I write..usually, anyways here we got the "AllAboutZee" episode but as asked with Kara x Zee.


It's the start of the day, the start of school. People are rushing to there lockers getting ready for first period.

Even though everyone is rushing off to class, Zee right now is busy looking around for her girlfriend. "Damn it kara answer your phone." Zee groans as she sends another text to kara asking where she is.

Even so, Zee still waves to people she recognizes from her classes a smile back on her face.

She's so focused on that, that she doesn't notice the girl she's about to bump into her.

Zee stops in her tracks when she hears a yelp, and her eyes move down to the person on the ground.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry, I'm such a clutz.." the girl says immediately as she rubs her head.

Zee immediately holds a hand out to her. "Are you alright?" She asks.

A small gasp escapes Casey's lips as she stares at Zee. "You're... I should be asking if your all right!" Casey immediately kneels down as she starts picking her items up. "Silly ol' Casey Krinsky." She starts panicking. "Of course I bump into Zee Zatara, the most popular girl in school." Then Casey notices the giant tear in her bag and she frowns.

Zee notices this and immediately feels bad so she kneels down as she holds her bag out to the girl hopping it helps. "Your bag?" She gasps.

Zee smiles at her. "It's yours now."

Casey looks at her with surprise. "Really?" She grabs the bag holding it against her chest. "The most popular girl in school...and the nicest." Casey comments as she stares at Zee her heart beating rapidly.

Zee giggles. "Oh you." Then Zee realizes she forgot the girls name. "What did you say your name was? Cassie?" Zee asks.

"Uh well sorta." Casey looks away nervously. "It's Casey..Krinsky."

Casey perks her head up at Zee's next worlds. "Nice to meet you, Casey."

"Huh.." is all Casey can say.

She gasps as she stares at Zee in awe. Zee waves a hand too her. "See you around!" She exclaims with that same smile. As Zee is ready to continue her search for Kara once again, this time looking where she's going.

The entire time she's walking away Casey stares at her, a new found admiration for Zee Zatara. "You'll see me around.."

That's when Casey notices Zee running up to hug a blond girl, and it confuses her, she doesn't like it.





Zee pulls away from kara. "Where have you been!? And why didn't you answer my texts?!" Zee asks her anger coming back.

Kara laughs nervously. " died." Kara explains as she shows Zee her phone.

A sigh escapes Zee's lips. "Kara you were supposed to meet the girls and me to help with the school dance."

Kara groans. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I just overslept okay?"

A smiles forms on Zee's face as she tugs on Kara's cheek making the girl groan again. "It's okay, all let this slide this once."

Kara sighs in relief before Zee grabs her hand and they start heading to there first period.

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