AllAboutZee Part 2 (Kara x Zee)

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This is part two of AllAboutZee and finally the next chapter, I really hope you enjoy.

I just want to clarify this if anyone has any story recommendations, I really need more to go off of if you want me to write a story, I need the ship, a summary would be helpful, or small details you want in the story, just be more specific please, anyways without further ado here is part 2. I didn't want to make this, that long, but it's gonna be one more chapter after this.

I'm sorry, but here ya go, I did my best to add some Kara and Zee moments.


The next morning, Kara is the first to wake up, she wants to get out of bed but she's too comfortable, especially since she rarely gets the chance to spend a night with Zee like this, cuddled up together after an amazing night with her.

Instead she stares at Zees sleeping face for awhile before she decides to wake her up. She moves her hand to poke Zee's cheek with her finger. As she does this a groan escapes Zee's lips, which makes Kara laugh.

After Kara's continued poking, Zee's eyes flutter open, her eyes immediately looking right into Kara's blue orbs.

Kara leans in close till there noses are touching. "Sleep well?" Kara asks.

Zee's hands cup Kara's face. "Yes, I was comfortable, how about you?"

Kara nuzzles her nose against Zee's. "Amazing, I love when you spend the night with me."

Zee sighs as she moves close to kara resting her forehead against Kara's.

Kara clears her throat. "So we have some time to kill before class..." Kara mentions, trying to sound casual.

Zee smirks already knowing what Kara is implying. "Mhm and?" Zee asks.

There's a grin on Kara's face now. "Round two?"

Zee only laughs as she pushes Kara's face away, which makes Kara groan. Zee holds the sheets tightly around her chest as she sits up grabbing her phone from Kara's nightstand, immediately looking through her call log.

Kara only sighs as she sits next to Zee.

"She is going to be so mad..." Zee murmurs as she looks through her phone, nearly two-hundred missed calls from Casey.

Kara's eyes widen as she sees this. "Woah that's a lot of missed calls." She comments.

"Kara I think I need to talk to her.." Zee sighs.

Kara groans. "Seriously, I can talk to her for you." She insists.

Zee places her phone down as she lays back in Kara's bed. "All worry about it later-"

There attention both shifts to Kara's room door opening and Zee immediately sits back up. "Kara were heading to-" Kara's foster mom looks from Zee to kara immediately noticing they both have no clothes on.

Zee blushes in embarrassment as she pulls the sheets over herself and Kara.

Kara groans. "I told you to knock!"

Kara's foster mom has a blank look on her face before she begins laughing nervously as she closes the door.

Zee relaxes a bit as Kara's foster mom leaves. "We should...probably get changed."





Kara and Zee arrive at school, and Kara can tell Zee is panicking again, she has a crazed look on her face.

Kara grabs her hand giving it a small squeeze. "Look if she asks just say I got sick and you were taking care of me or something.." Kara suggests knowing Zee doesn't want to hurt the girl for some reason.

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