Power Couple (Doris x Leslie)

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I can see this ship happening, but it's still was very difficult to write, especially since I'm still getting used to writing. Anyways here's the Doris x Leslie story you wanted it's not one of my top three ships but here it is.

This is what I was able to come up with.

Its lunchtime in metropolis high and we all groan as Pam's stupid annoying girlfriend brings her lunch like usual.

"Okay eat the whole sandwhich not just the meat pam." Jessica lectures.

Pam rolls her eyes. "If I feel like it." She responds.

Jessica sighs. "Fine, just a little nibble though common?"

Pams eyes look at the sand which. "All try okay?"

Jessica pats her head. "That works, all see you after school then Pam."

Doris elbows Leslie, "Hey watch this." Doris grabs a napkin rolling it up before tossing it at Jessica hitting the back of her head and Jessica just rubs her head looking around confused. "Ha nerd!" Doris yells.

Immediately she feels a glare on her and just laughs in her seat, but when she sees pam glaring at her, she slowly stops laughing. "Ha..it's a joke?"

A book is thrown at her face and she groans. "Why are you even dating that loser?" She asks as pam sits in front of her.

Pam just takes a nibble at her sand-which. Harleen scooting next to her. "Cuz red is in loveee."

Pam groans. "No I'm not."

Carol sighs. "It's almost like me and my hal, expect we're cuter." She remarks.

Pam rolls her eyes.

"Gross relationships are disgusting." Doris remarks.

Leslie joins in. "Probably Because you can't get a date with anyone."

Doris groans. "Yes I can!"

"Uh Huh sure you can." Leslie laughs.

She stands up clenching her fists. "Yes I can, anyone in this cafeteria I can get!"

Leslie smirks. "Really?"

"Yes really, bet you 30 bucks." Doris grins.

Leslie looks around before a grin appears on her face. "Alright, how about the most popular girl in school Huh?" She asks.

Doris glances at the table where zees at. "Yeah easy, no problem."

"Alright then go ask."

Pam's head perks up. "Wait you know shes d-"

"Pam don't ruin it!" Leslie laughs as Doris walks towards the other girls table.

Pam shrugs. "Whatever."

They all just watch Doris as she confidently walks over to them, Doris thinking 'how hard can it be?'





Doris shoves Karen off her chair taking it as she scoots close to Zee. "So, uh date me now."

Zee's eyes go to Karen on the floor, before going to Doris. "Uh, you just knocked my best friend off her chair."

Doris groans. "I said date me."

Zee is even more confused. "Are you asking me or making me?"

"Well asking duh you idiot."

Zee's eyes widen before she sighs. "Listen.."

"Anyways now come over here with me." Doris says grabbing Zee's hand pulling her up, completely ignoring her. She's gonna show Leslie she can get a date and get herself 30 bucks while she's at it.

She turns and immediately comes face to face with Kara. She groans. "Can you move?"

Kara takes a step forward getting in her face. "Then let my girlfriend go." She growls.

Doris is confused. "Wait what?"

Zee pulls her hand away. "Okay I can see we have some confusion here, so let me clarify." Zee grabs Kara's hand. "First of all, I will not date you." Zee then looks at Karen before her eyes land back on Doris. "Second your a bully who is just absolutely rude." Zee then smiles looking up at kara. "And finally, I'm taken." She says before placing a kiss on an angry Kara's cheek.

Doris can already hear Leslie laughing behind her and she groans, she knows that laugh, Leslie knew these two idiots were dating.





"Where my 30 bucks meat head?" Leslie laughs as she follows Doris outside the school.

"Shut up I'm going home."

"Ditching school again? This is earlier then usual." Leslie comments.

Doris stops, before turning around to look at Leslie. "Look just leave me alone relationships are stupid anyways!"

"So absolutely no interest in one?"


Doris notices a small frown on Leslie's face before it quickly disappears. "Well of course, who would date you?"

Doris gives her a confused look. "Why do you care so much?"

Leslies eyes widen. "I-I don't!"

Doris leans in close to her face and Leslies face grows red. "Uh Huh..." Doris responds.

Leslie mentally thinking. 'She's an idiot right?! She won't figure it out!'

"Welp anyways I'm heading home then."

Leslie sighs in relief as Doris begins walking away.

"Oh and..." Doris starts stoping her back still to Leslie.

Leslie looks up seeing Doris now glancing at her a smirk on her face.

"All pick you up at 6 so we can watch that movie you wanted to watch yesterday."

Leslies eyes widen. "Oh..that's cool.." she responds.

Leslie just watches as Doris walks away before she feels like she can breathe again.

Well that's the story, I though this was funny, and turned out kinda cute, it's difficult writing these two together, but this is what I came up with!

Hope you enjoyed!

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