AllAboutZee Part 3 (Kara x Zee)

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Here's the thing, I accidentally deleted the original chapter, so this is the rewrite from memory, and I think it's better, plus longer too.


Casey was worried she would have trouble getting Kara alone, so she can steal her identity, but she was happy to see Kara came of her own accord.

There's an evil grin on Casey's face, she can have it all now, friends, love, and more importantly, acceptance.

She heads towards the front of the school, and there she is.

Zee is sitting down twirling a strand of her hair, she looks worried.

Casey starts heading down the steps towards Zee. "Problem solved Zee."

Zee's head perks up when she hears Kara's voice. She stands up immediately. "You didn't lash out at her right?" Zee asks worried that Kara took her anger out on Casey.

"Of course not, I remained calm throughout the conversation." Casey has another big confident grin on her face.

Casey's eyes widen when she feels Zee jump into her arms, pulling her into a hug. Casey is caught off guard, Because she's never felt affection like this, but she likes it. Casey smiles as she wraps her arms around Zee in return. "Kara your so sweet!" Zee says as she pulls away a bit looking into kara's(Casey's) eyes.

That's when Zee's eyes widen, when she notices something.

"Something wrong?" Casey asks.

Zee shakes her head pulling away from Casey's hold. "No no not at all." Zee lies. "I just remembered, I...I have to talk to my math teacher about something!"

Casey grabs Zee's hand. "Oh cool I can walk you there."

Zee pulls her hand away. "No you go with the girls, there waiting in the cafeteria still, all meet you there."

Casey watches as Zee rushes past her heading back into the school.

This also works in her favor, Because now she can figure out a way to get rid of Kara so she can completely take her life. The problem is going to be figuring out how to do this without anyone else seeing.





Zee can tell immediately when magic is at use, after all, she's studied magic for most of her life.

She rushes into one of the classrooms making sure she's alone.

Once she's sure she's alone she sits at one of the desks pulling out her grandfathers book. She doesn't think it's a spell, but magic is at play on this situation, she could see it in Kara's eyes.

"Eye color change, eye color change.." Zee murmurs as she continues to turn pages until she stops at a certain page. "I see..." she whispers as her eyes scan the text, making sense of it.

From what Zee is reading, she can assume it's a sort of shapeshifter or reflection sort of ability. This sort of magic can copy a persons looks, and steal there abilities. "Oh no.." Zee whispers as she reads the last part. Zee doesn't like the sound of someone having Kara's abilities whoever that person is.

Zee knows this isn't good, she has to find her Kara immediately, if this person is after Kara's identity, who knows what they'll do to her.

Kara won't be able to defend herself, against someone with her kryptonion abilities.

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