Egg Project (Kara X Zee)

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Okay, Yes I also remembered this short story idea recommendation from you guys.

So without further a it is.


It's the start of class, and everyone(except for Doris) is present waiting on there assignment.

"The egg project." Mr. Chaplin starts as he walks in front of the class. "This will be your assignment while your regular teacher is away, I don't know anything about home ec, I'm more of an auto shop guy."he says murmuring the last part, before his attention goes back on the class. "So I looked online, and this is the first thing I found, I know you people don't know anything about responsibility or protecting the helpless, but I know you care about grades, so your gonna partner up and bring your egg back Monday intact or else.." he sighs, "and don't even think about breaking it and buying a new one cuz I stamped them all."

He pulls out his clip board. "Okay here are the teams." He says before starting to read off the list. "Diana prince and Karen beacher." The girls high five each-other glad to be partnered up with together.

"Hal Jordan and Selena Kyle." Hal leans back in his chair sending finger guns to Selena and she rolls her eyes in annoyance.

"Barbra Gordon, and Garett what's his name.."The pair air high five, before laughing.

"Zee Zatara, and Kara Danvers." The girls immediately smirk looking at each-other from across the room Zee sending a wink to kara.

"Tatsu yamashiru, and Leslie Willis." Leslie try's to reach for the egg, but tatsu pulls it away not trusting the girl.

"Jessica Cruz and Pam Isley." Jessica jumps at the chance too hug pam, squeezing the girl tightly, while the other girl has a horrified look on her face.

"Carter Hall, and Barry Allen." Barry leans over holding his hand out for a high five, but carter seems to ignore him and Barry groans sitting back down on his desk.

"Carol Ferris, and Doris Zeus, but since Doris is skipping like usual Carol, it looks like your once again destined to be alone." Carol gives the teacher an offended look, but he just nods in response. "Mhm."

"And finally we have Oliver Queen, and Harleen Quinzel." Harleen reaches too pull Oliver's hat away, and he quickly snatches it back a scowl on his face.

"We good? We good." The teacher declares as he takes a seat at his desk, the students now moving to be with there partners.


"So it's looks like we're partners." Kara says sitting down next too Zee.

Zee smiles, "Just my luck, I'm stuck with you." She remarks lightly poking the top of her girlfriends nose.
The girls both laugh, before there attention seems too go to the egg. Zee being excited with the task of watching the egg, Kara just looking for too spending the weekend with her girlfriend. "What should we name the egg?" Zee asks, gently placing it down on the desk.

Kara shrugs her shoulders not really caring about the assignment. "I don't know, bob?" Kara asks.

Zee raises an eyebrow at her girlfriends care free attitude. "Kara Danvers we are parents now, and you will act like one." Zee lectures jabbing her finger at her girlfriends chest.

Kara is taken aback by her girlfriends words. "Wait, your not really taking this whole egg thing seriously are you?" She questions noticing the serious look on Zee's face.

"Is are child a joke to you!?" Zee snaps an angry look now on her face.

Kara quickly holds her hands up in defense. "No no of course not!" Kara quickly lies. She grabs the egg being as gentle as possible. "Uh, maybe we should name it after you?" She asks nervously hopping too better her girlfriends mood.

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