LightningPair (Barry x Leslie)

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This was an idea from one of you guys awhile ago and I finally got around to writing it after so long, so here it is, Barry x Leslie!

Or well The Flash x Live-wire

Barry is currently on route to deliver a cake for a birthday party so he's rushing quickly through the streets of metropolis, Because a birthday party without a cake is just...well it's not a party!

As he waits at a stop, his ears suddenly catch sound of an alarm going off at a nearby bank and he panicks as he looks at the cake and then in the direction of the bank.

He looks around before groaning as she drops the cake in front of a kid nearby. "Hey watch this for me, ya thank you!" He yells as he starts running into an alley way before running out as the flash.

He arrives on the scene and he groans when he sees who is commiting the robbery.

"Live wire."

She then notices him and smirks. "Up for another race speedster?" She asks as she walks on the roof top of the bank smirking down at him.

"Common I don't have time for this." He sighs.

Leslie laughs. "Not up for a race? Your usually so cheerful flash."

He just runs around quickly gaining some speed to be able to run to the top of the building his hand reaching for the ledge-

"And down you go." Leslie says as she flicks Barry's forehead.

Barry's eyes widen as he looks down as he starts falling. He looks around not sure what to do but ends up, groaning as he face plants against the pavement floor before he shakes his head and looks back up at live-wire as she waves to him a cocky grin on her face.

She then stands up stretching. "This was fun but I gotta jet, you know how cops are." She says with a shrug. "Maybe next time we can race!"

Barry gets up arching his back popping it as he stretches getting ready to give chase.

He jumps when the alarm on his watch goes off and he looks at it his eyes widening. "Oh no the cake!" He bites his lip before sighing. "Sorry kid cakes gonna have to wait."

He looks in the direction livewire escaped too before he groans giving chase. He starts speeding up and manages to catch up.

He's running on the road while next to him live wire travels through the current light post to light post.

"Ha guess you can keep up!" She yells only laughing, as she jumps in and out the current this time shooting finger guns at Barry.

Barry does his best to keep up realizing he can't keep this up forever as he has a delivery to make a child's birthday to save.

Distracted by his thoughts he ends up almost running into a car that's speeding towards him just not as fast as him. "Gah!" He yells.

He manages to turn but runs into a wall and he groans falling back leaving a body print on the wall as he looks up at the sky.

"Damn speedster, you weren't even a challenge today." Leslie comments.

Barry groans.

Leslie kneels down starring at Barry before smirking. She flicks his head. "Until next time then speedster." She says before standing up and disappearing out of sight Barry only thinking about his cake. "I'm sorry!" He cries thinking that he ruined a child's birthday.

He hears multiple police cars around him but he is now  curled up on the floor crying, the police not sure what to do as he latches onto one of the police offices. "I'm sorry.." he continues and the police office awkwardly pats his back.

I'm sorry this isn't one of my best stories I took a long break from writing and I'm just getting back into it. My brain doesn't have inspiration so this story ended up short and simple but it's decent, all try and write more since I currently have a few other stories to write, I have a list and decided to finally get started on writing those stories!

I have a few other stories waitlisted to write that you guys recommend, I try and write any recommendations you have but it's difficult and I try, and if they turn out well, I post them, but here is the Barry x Leslie that you asked for! I'm sorry if my writing is bad it's kinda been awhile.

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