Winter Break (Kara x Zee)

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I'm glad I'm finally getting around to working on those story recommendations, there are only three I think but it's about time I got to them. I love this ship and I'm so happy so many of you do as well, so glad to write more with this couple.

It's winter break,

It's a great start of to winter break when it begins snowing the morning of the middle of December.

You'd expect everyone to be happy waking up early to go out and play in the snow but...

Kara is groaning as her phone has been going off and she annoyed lifts her pillow over her head trying to ignore the ringing.

She then remembers because of her stupied super hearing it's pointless and groans sitting up tossing her pillow against the wall before grabbing her phone answering it. "What?!" She yells.

A small laugh comes from the phone. "Don't tell me you were sleeping?" Zee asks.

Kara jumps a bit sitting up straight. "Oh, Zee sorry, about that..." Kara groans fingers rubbing her eyes annoyed she yelled at her girlfriend.

"Oh don't worry, I know your just grumpy."

Kara laughs lightly. "Yeah..uh did you need something?" Kara asks.

Zee smiles happy kara is a bit calmer now. "We'll, we don't have school and I though maybe we could hang out?" Zee asks laying back in her bed now staring at her nails.

Kara lays back in her bed as well phone to her ear staring at the ceiling."Sure not like I'm doing anything."

"Perfect all be over in 20." Zee says before she hangs up."

The phone call ends Kara looking at it before placing it down.





Zee remembers Kara saying something about her parents going to smallvile. She wonders why Kara didn't go, nonetheless at least she'll get to spend some time with her.

She knocks on Kara's door waiting patiently only to get no response which confuses her. She knocks harder. Once again after 5 minutes she becomes slightly annoyed thinking Kara fell back to sleep.

"Whatcha doing?" Kara's voice says from behind.

Zee groans. "I'm waiting for Kara to open-" Zee's eyes widen turning around seeing a smirking Kara.

Zee sighs. "very funny."

Kara laughs scooping her up Zee just crossing her arms annoyed as she's flown up to Kara's room through her window.

"I was about to teleport in here anyways thinking someone was still in bed."

Kara grins. "Nah was waiting for you actually."

Zee smirks. "What? Staring out your window waiting for me?"

Kara jumps. "W-what no." Kara crosses her arms. "I was doing stuff."

Zee laughs pulling on her cheek. "Your very adorable."

Kara groans.

Zee sighs. "Are you ready? I would like to go out since it's snowing."

Kara nods her head. "Yup and luckily for you, you got a kryptoion heater." Kara laughs.

Zee rolls her eyes playful noticing Kara leaning close to her ear. "I hear there are only a few left."

Zee smirks hugging her arm. "We'll lucky me, I managed to snag one."

Kara smiles.


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