Winter Break Part 2 (Kara x Zee)

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I had to watch a video on skiiing for this. I tried, but here it is. I still think it turned out alright, let it be known I don't know much about winter sports?

It's the day after Christmas, Kara got zee a new bag, Zee thinks it's cute it has a cute rabbit on the corner embroidered. Kara on the other hand got a nice snowboard and skateboard from Zee.

It has her emblem, the house of El which is a nice touch.

Kara loves her gifts and she wants to take the snowboard out for a ride, since it is still snowing.




Zee is happy to tag along wanting to see kara having fun with her new gift.

Zee pulling her phone out recording her. Kara laughing. "ZEE THIS IS AWSOME!!" Kara yells as she heads down hill.

Zee laughs. "That does look like fun." She Simply says knowing Kara will be able to hear her anyways.

Kara turns her head towards Zee seeing she's recording her Zee's face quickly shifting to worry as she rushes down hill towards her. "KARA WATCH OU-" Zee yells before wincing when she hears the thump as Kara just ran into a tree. Actually she broke the tree...

Zee looks around before quickly creating a portal to kara stepping out kneeling down in front of Kara. "Hey are you alright?" Zee asks. She looks fine but Zee likes to make sure.

She smirks. "Of course I am, I'm an invincible."

Zee groans pulling on her cheek. "Be more carful I still worry."

Kara gets up and Zee follows. Kara smirks holding her board up. "Wanna try?"

Zee laughs. "Not after seeing you crash."

Kara drops her board hugging Zee from behind. "Common it will be more fun if we do it together."

Zee rolls her eyes. "Okay."

Kara cheers. "Yay!"

"On one condition."

"Huh?" Kara asks.

"I will not ride your board, but I can try skiiing."

Kara grins. "Maybe we can race."

Zee laughs nervously. "After you teach me to ski-"

"You don't know how to?"

Zee shakes her head. "Daddy was always busy, I didn't really make friends or we'll have a girlfriend who takes me out." Zee sighs. "I was more focused on magic."

Kara nods her head in understanding. "We'll lucky you, now you got the most amazing girlfriend who will gladly teach you how to ski."

Zee smiles. "I guess I am lucky."




Zee stands up hill holding her sticks before planting them in the snow putting her googles down.

She then tightly grips her ski poles. Kara holding her waist so she doesn't fall down hill.

"Okay this is a small hill if you fall hopefully you don't get hurt?" Kara says but it comes out as a question. It's a small slope but if she continues down it's a larger slope so Kara hopes she's able to stop.

Zee sighs. "Just tell me what to do."

"Okay hunch done a bit-" Zee does so." "Yeah like that."

Kara only looks down at Zee's rear presses agaisnt her so she steps back a bit moving in front of Zee hands to her shoulders.

"Okay keep your core tight when your going down hill."

Zee nods her head.

"And as you ski try to keep contact with the back of your foot and your poles."

"Okay okay I got it kara."

Kara let's go and Zee's still in place and then she notices her poles are dug into the snow and she smiles. "Alright let's see then."

Kara stands to the side watching as Zee takes a deep breath before she's off pulling her self forward with her poles. Kara worries a bit taking a step forward.

"This is fun!!!" Zee laughs. As she continues down the larger slope.

Kara smirks confidently crossing her arms. She sighs."Of course what else did I expect from MY girlfriend." Kara is happy to see she's a fast learner. Zee is so amazing.

She grabs her snowboard quickly jumping on it chasing after Zee.

She grins as she slides up next to Zee. Zee looking at her before smirking.

They both instantly know what the others thinking. Zee knows Kara wants a race, and Kara knows that Zee's up for it.

Kara is not loosing.

Zee doesn't want to loose either.

They remain at the same speed before a small bump in the snow gives Kara some air sending her a few feet in front of Zee.

Zee is still a little inexperienced so she avoids the bumps slowly falling behind from all the side to side movement avoiding small bumps.

Kara sees the end of the hill. Then her eyes widen as Zee zooms past her and she's immediately confused until she sees the trail of magic and she groans.

She slows down to a stop as they reach the end. Zee trying to keep her balance before noticing the glare Kara is directing at her.

"Oh kara don't be a sore looser." Zee laughs.

"You cheated though." She grumbles upset.

Zee rolls her eyes playfully. "Hey I'm inexperienced I was just making it fair."

Kara gets off her board picking up. "Yeah whatever." She murmurs already walking back.

Zee immediately frowns sensing Kara's upset. She stands there for a bit staring at Kara's back before kara turns to her. "You coming?"

"Oh...yes of course." Zee responds following behind Kara.

Kara turns to Zee who just seems to have a frown. She sighs, she can't handle loosing to anyone but this is her girlfriend so she'll make an exception. "I'm not mad Zee, sorry I got upset I just wanted to win." Kara admits before grabbing Zee's hand. "But all allow you bragging rights for beating me only cuz your my girl."

Zee smiles and Kara grabs her waist pulling her close as they both laugh.




Zee stands outside on her balcony. She just watches as the sun comes up. She woke up early so she put on her robe and she made herself a warm hot chocolate.

She takes a sip before hearing some groaning and she heads back inside. "Finally awake?"

"No, no school..." Kara murmurs hugging Zee's pillow and Zee laughs.

Zee places her cup down on her night stand. "Kara were still on winter break." Zee reminds her.

Kara's turns over to Zee's direction looking up at Zee as she stares down at her. "So I can stay in your bed longer?"

Zee stands up. "If you want, but I want to go shopping and if you wish to join me I suggest getting ready in the next 10 minutes."

Kara does want to lay in bed but what kind of girlfriend would she be if she let Zee go alone. "Yeah yeah." Kara says getting out of Zee's bed looking for her bag grabbing the clothes she packed before there off.





Also, I might stop with the short stories for a bit, I'm working on my new fic. It's not exactly a rewrite of my first Zara fic but I'm excited by how it's turning out so far I really hope when I release it you guys like it. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this short story. There is one more recommendation I have to finish before I focus on my other project.

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