JealousZee (Kara x Zee)

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Another story down, this is the story recommended with Zee Jealous of Kara's dog as well as in general I remember someone in the past wanting to see a jealous Zee so here it is I guess, somewhat, I tried.

When Zee asked Kara if they could hang out, she didn't realize she would be third wheeling Kara and krypto.

"Who's a good boy!? You are!" Kara exclaims petting kryptos head.

The two are playing fetch and Zee is sitting back just watching. Zee wanted to spend time with Kara, she forgets her girlfriend is oblivious to everything romantic.

Zee just watches as Kara is now cheering her dog on as it chases his tail. "Common boy you can grab it!"

Zee face palms. "Kara common I wanna do something fun." Zee groans.

Kara's attention shifts too Zee. "But I promised krypto I would take him out today." Kara's attention then shifts back to krypto who has just rolled over.

Kara laughs as she starts to give him a belly rub, and by the fact that his tail is wagging, he must be enjoying this.

Zee groans standing up. "Fine, all just go to the movies alone."

Zee glances at kara who's attention is still on krypto. "Alright Zee." Kara responds not really paying attention to Zee.

Zee huffs before smirking as a thought comes too mind. "Oh but I have an extra ticket...maybe I can invite someone else..." Zee notices karas attention still on krypto. "Hm maybe Hal...I think I heard he wanted to watch this movie..I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

Kara's head perks up as she turns to see Zee walking away while looking at her phone.

Kara panicks as she quickly rushes too Zee. "H-hold on!" Kara says rushing in front of Zee. "Why don't the three of us go watch that movie together?"

Zee gives Kara a look of annoyance. "We either go alone, or Im going without you."

"B-but krypto!"

Zee flicks Kara's forehead. "I don't even know why I'm dating you." Zee huffs walking past kara.

Kara sighs. "Zee common don't be like this."

Zee stops in her tracks. "Dont worry I'm going home, I was only joking I'd rather not go to the movies anymore."

Kara is about to walk towards Zee but krypto zooms past her already tackling her to the ground.

"Gah!" Zee screams as she falls face flat on the grass. She quickly turns around and is immediately attacked.

Krypto starts licking her face and the groans. "Kara! GET YOUR DOG OFF ME!" Zee yells in anger as she's getting dog drool all over her face.

Kara rushes over struggling to pull krypto off Zee. She manages to but not without the help of her super strength.

Kara notices the glare on Zee's face directed at her as she stands up.

Krypto whimpers a bit as he sees this.

"Zee he was just playing.." Kara try's to explain. "I think he likes you."

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