Sushi Adventures (Kara x Zee)

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This is an idea I was given from one of you guys, and I finally got around too writing this story, so here it is, and I hope I did not disappoint.


Kara was sure about a lot of things, that she's metropolis strongest hero, she's better than Superman, that schools dumb, but one thing she wasn't sure about was this date with her girlfriend.

Zee on the other hand is excited too be able too bring her girlfriend to an exclusive restaurant she's heard so much about."This is going to be great kara, your gonna love this place." Zee claims as she tugs on her girlfriends hand leading her inside.

Kara was panicking on the inside, realizing that she shouldn't let Zee pick there dates anymore. Even so, for the sake of her girlfriend, she will give it a chance. "..uh..great I can't wait!" Kara replies doing her best too sound excited.

The two wait in line for there turn, and Kara starts playfully teasing her girlfriend while they wait in line and the people around them hear the laughter coming from the pair. "Hey maybe after we can go back to my place..." Kara whispers sending a shiver down Zee's spine.

Zee smirks not wanting too let her girlfriend win this teasing battle. "And do what exactly?" She asks pulling on the zipper of her girlfriends jacket, knowing her girlfriend is all talk.

The seductive look her girlfriend is giving her, doesn't help as she feels her face start too grow red. "Uh..look it's are turn." Kara quickly points out wanting too get out of this losing battle for her.

The sorceress laughs placing a peck on her girlfriends cheek before walking too the front desk. Kara takes a deep breath relaxing. A few minutes after she comes back, and they follow a waiter too there room.

"This looks..fancy...I think." Kara comments as she takes her seat.

Zee takes a seat in front of her, "Well this is the best restaurant in town kara, I'm so happy too be able to bring you here." A sweet smile on her face, as she looks at kara, with those beautiful eyes that just make Kara's heart start to beat rapidly.

Kara knows she has too be on her best behavior, she doesn't want to ruin this for her girlfriend, especially when it's so cute when she's happy about small things like this. "...uh yeah I can't wait too see the food." Kara replies back hopping she sounds excited.

There waiter comes back placing tiny trays of green seaweed. Kara just starts poking at the seaweed unsure if she actually wants too try the dish. "Um I just remembered I had seaweed yesterday..." Kara lies hopping Zee buys it.

Zee gives her a look, and Kara realizes that she just ruined her girlfriends mood. "Kara you haven't even tried it."

Kara doesn't know how to respond too that but luckily she's saved by the waiter as she comes back not even 10 seconds after, bringing a red dragon roll. Kara stares at it as well still confused by the food. "How am I supposed to eat this?" She questions. Doing what she always does when she's unsure about food, she pokes it.

Zee glares at her and this makes kara just want too sink away in her seat. Zee grabs a rice ball and holds it out to kara. "Eat it." She demands.

Kara shakes her head refusing too try it. "Kara eat it." Zee asks again. Kara shakes her head once again.

When they hear the waiter coming back Zee sits back down. The waiter places down a fish, "Well maybe you'll like this, it's there grilled fish." Zee explains.

Kara stares at the fish before poking at it with her chop sticks. "I don't know Zee, you sure this fish is gril—" the fish's eyes move too look at kara and she screams while jumping back. "Okay that's it, can we maybe go grab a burger?" Kara basically begs wanting too leave the restaurant.

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