Among us (Jessica x Pam)

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This is a short story idea I had, it's not that long but I had fun writing it, hope you enjoy, and if not I'm sorry.

Jessica is excited that she finally got her girlfriend too join her in this popular game, she's been trying to get her to play for the longest time now.

"I don't know how to even play this game." Pam groans as she holds the phone in her hand running around the lobby.

Jessica rolls her eyes as she starts to explain the rules. "Basically your either an imposter and have to kill everyone without being caught or you're a crew mate trying to figure out who the imposter is." Jessica explains as she pulls her own phone out.

They start up a game with the girls, Jessica hopping to get Pam interested in the game.

Jessica(Dark green)

Pam(Lime Green)








They all begin chatting for awhile before starting the game.

Kara- Diana sus, let's vote her off first!

Jessica- The game hasn't even started kara.

Diana-I am innocent

Tatsu- Kara Danvers I'm coming after you

Kara- So if I's Tatsu!

Pam- Can someone just start the damn game!

Barbra-Zee I wanna be purple!

Zee-Well tell Diana too give me pink!

Diana- I do not know how to change colors.

Karen-So am I the only one thinking we should just start the game?

Kara- Karen is being oddly suspicious..

Jessica- Again Kara..The game hasn't started!

Pam- Just start the game!

Then back to reality as Pam is glaring at Jessica wanting her to start the game. "Ah...right."

Jessica starts the game and after five seconds the game begins. "Pam are you an imposter?" She asks after seeing she's only crew mate.

Pam notices the word crew mate appear on her screen. "No cheating Jess." She lectures. Then the game begins as Jessica starts following Pam as she does her tasks. "Okay why are you following me?" Pam questions as Jessica's character begins to circle around pams.

Jessica just squeals, "So we can stick together!" They walk out of the electrical when a body is reported.

Jessica is surprised, ten seconds in and someone was already killed. "Wow that was quick." She mentions.

Kara- Okay who killed Zee, she's crying now guys.

Tatsu- I was trying to kill you.

Kara- Well you missed I was in front of her doing tasks so ha!

Karen-I don't know who to believe.

Jessica- I say we vote Kara out.

Kara- It's Tatsu she literately admitted it!

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