Halloween Part 2 (Kara x Zee)

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Kara groans as she waits for Zee to finish getting dressed, there already late as it is to meet up with the girls, Jessica won't be there though, apparently she's going out with Pam this Halloween.

Kara didn't really get a say in her costume, as Zee picked out there costumes. Even so, Kara isn't complaining, the red tux is nice, and the horns, it's simple too.

There going to be matching, and Zee wants to use her magic to give them wings too, and illusion of course.

Kara pulls out her phone to check the time, it's almost nine already. "Zee common you need to hurry, it's almost nine." Kara reminds her.

Kara hears shuffling on the other side before the door opens and Zee comes out holding a hairband in her mouth. "Hold up I'm almost done with my hair."

Kara can't help but stare at Zee's hair, she's never seen it up like this. She looks really pretty with her hair up.

Zee's quickly finishes up putting an extra hair band, so her hair doesn't fall lose. "Okay, I'm ready now."

Zee's eyes widen for a second as she remembers there not ready yet. "Right are wings." She snaps her fingers before Kara can say anything and immediately Kara has red wings on her back, while Zee has white glowing wings, as well as a halo.

"Wow this is so cool!" Kara comments as her hands try and touch Zee's halo but they only pass through.

Zee smirks. "And you say magic is the worse?"

Kara rolls her eyes. "Sometimes....and don't you think people are gonna find, you know..this.." Kara says referring to the illusions. "Suspicious?"

Zee shakes her head. "Nonsense, people are blind."

Kara scratches the back of her head, not sure on how she feels about this. "I mean, if you say it's okay..."

There phones then ring, and there eyes widen when they realize it's a message from the girls reminding them there late.

"Crap!" Kara exclaims. "Great we're late."

Zee sighs. "I'm sorry, I should have started getting ready sooner." Zee apologizes.

Kara laughs. "It's alright, we can always fly there?"

Zee smiles as she jumps onto Kara's arms.





They arrive at sweet justice, there friends already there.

Barbra received a flyer in the mail on a haunted mansion, and as soon as Kara saw it, she just had to go, hopping to get a kick out of it.

"Sorry where late girls." Zee apologizes.

They get up when they see them. "Great we can go to the haunted house now!" Barbra exclaims.

Barbra is dressed as the nightmare before Christmas, having face make up on.

"Do we have to go..to a haunted house?" Karen asks nervously.

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