Let Me Sleep! (Kara x Zee)

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Welp, here's another recommendation, I hope you enjoy it. A reminder, recommendations are now closed.

It happens again.

Every Sunday night that stupid train comes by late at night to wake kara up, because it's so loud. It's not even near her!

She sits up grumbling. "I should just blow up that train."

She looks outside noticing it's still dark out. She checks the time on her alarm clock, it's early, three in the morning.

She sighs laying back in bed lifting her pillow over her head just trying to mute the sound of the train, all the cars, why is it so loud tonight!?

She can't even focus on sleeping anymore, not with all these noises ganging up on her super hearing.





Zee quickly checks her make up by her locker with the small mirror she Carries. She only jumps when she feels a head laying on her shoulder from behind.

She uses her mirror to see it's just Kara. "What is it this time?" Zee asks finishing up by adding her lip stick.

"Let me sleep on you.." she groans. Kara finds herself relaxing being near Zee, especially as her lavender perfume reaches her nose.

Zee turns around quickly catching Kara agaisnt her chest but she's very heavy and it's probably all that muscle she's packing. "Okay okay a little help?" Zee basically begs struggling to keep herself and Kara up.

Kara sighs just going completely limp and Zee yelps. "Kara!" She yells as she falls back against the floor but she feels a hand behind her head keeping her from getting injured. She still got squished by Kara.

Zee now has an annoyed look on her face as Kara nuzzles against her chest as they lay there on the floor. "Did you not sleep last night?" Zee asks sitting up pulling Kara onto her lap.

Kara sighs. "I couldn't..."

Zee places a hand on top of Kara's head. "We'll you can't fall asleep we have class in a few minutes." Zee sighs.

Kara just grumbles.

"You can't skip, if you miss one more class you'll have summer school remember?" Zee reminds her as her fingers start to play with Kara's hair.

Kara picks her head up. "Do you have a spell that could keep me awake?" Kara asks.

"Oh I do!!!" Barbra exclaims poping out of nowhere appearing behind Zee now resting her chin on zees shoulder.

"What am I a bed?" Zee sighs twirling a strand of Kara's straight blond hair.

Kara looks at Barbra before laying back on Zee's lap. "I don't want drugs."

Barbra face palms. "I don't—okay whatever but it's called an energy drink I have a few you want one?" She offers pulling away from Zee to pull her bag in front of her, opening her bag to show a pack of 6 energy drinks.

Zee's eyes widen. "Babs I though those weren't allowed in school!" She whisper yells.

Barbra smirks. "No this is water, read the label." She confidently claims.

Zee grabs one from the bag seeing a fake label with the word 'water' messily written.

Zee raises an eyebrow. "Seriously who would believe this is water?" Zee scoffs.

Barbra laughs. "You'd be surprised, so Kara want one-"

"Wait I don't think Kara should-" Zee starts but Kara quickly grabs a can.

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