Both Sides

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Kara woke up to the sound of music playing, which was extremely unusual considering the only noise that could ever be heard in the house some days were the sound of Alex and her sparring partners.

She squinted and shielded her eyes away from the sun that was trying to blind her, it took her a moment to actually process where she was, that was until she saw a very naked Lena walking out of the bathroom.

Not a bad sight to wake up to if you asked her.

Lena didn't even notice Kara was awake, she had just gotten out of the shower and was getting dressed for the day, she had convinced herself that music would be good for her mood, so far, it was working.

I wish that I was good enough, If only I could wake you up, my love, my love, my love, my love, won't you stay awhile.

Kara recognized the song, she smiled softly when she heard the faint humming coming from across the room, she decided to get up while Lena was distracted so she could get ready for the day, she mentally high-fived herself when she was able to do so without getting noticed.
When Kara walked out the bathroom Lena nearly had a heart attack, out of reflex she swung towards Karas head, but because Kara was fast, she grabbed her wrist when it was only a few inches away from her face, their eyes met, both blurting out apologies to each other.

"I'm so sorry Kara, you scared the living hell out of me."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I didn't even expect you to be standing here."

Kara released Lenas wrist, but not before kissing it all over.

"What time is it?"

"Just after seven, why?"

"I saw an empty wine bottle in the bathroom."


"It wasn't there last night."


"You know, normal people drink coffee in the morning."

"Normal people also think it's okay to have sex in the missionary position every night."

Kara couldn't help but laugh, she shook her head at the comment and walked towards the bed.

"Is that not okay?"

"It's boring."

"Oh and you would know?"

Lena raised an eyebrow, smiling mischievously.

"You'd be surprised what I know."

Their conversation was ended before it could even start because Karas phone rang, Lena gave her a confused look but she just shrugged and answered.


"Come downstairs right now."

"Ask nicely and I might just do what you want."

"Can you just- come on man, just come outside."

"Say please."

The voice on the other line sighed, but complied.


"Okay, hold on."

Kara hung up the phone, ignoring the questioning look she got from Lena when she walked past her.


"I'll be back."

"Where are you-"

The question was cut off by the door closing, Kara rolled her eyes when she saw the one and only Ezra, standing outside of the gated residence.

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