Opening Up (2)

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Kara came out of the shower fully dressed for once and sat down on the bed, looking at Lena who was in deep thought.

"Are you okay?"

Lena turned to look at her and nodded, giving her a small smile.

"Yeah I'm okay, why don't you lay down?"

"I kind of want you to lay with me, if that's okay, we don't have to be close, you can lay on the other end if you want, it was just a suggestion, I'm sorry"

"Don't apologize Kara, I'll lay close to you, I feel like you need to be embraced more often"

Kara tensed up just a little when Lena laid next to her and pulled her into her arms.

"I can't believe you went through all of that, you're so strong"

Kara shrugged her shoulders, letting her eyes flutter shut.

"I think I'm just lucky, Lex could've killed me that day but he couldn't, he missed me, isn't that weird?"

"I think it was fate, if he would've killed you, I wouldn't have met you, and I don't think my life would be the way it is now without you"

Kara hummed softly at that, turning her head to hide the blush that formed on her cheeks but Lena saw it, she was glad that she could make her feel good enough to blush, she was also starting to feel weird too, was she catching feelings for Kara? Or were they already there and she had just been avoiding them until now? Either way she definitely felt something towards the blonde, and it was something more than what she'd been letting on.

When she looked down again, Kara was sound asleep, she didn't realize she'd been in thought that long, she thought about moving but Karas head was hidden in between the crook of her neck and the pillow, so she could either run herself crazy with her thoughts or try to go to sleep herself, she didn't nap much, maybe it would be good for her, and before she had finished deciding, she had already fallen asleep, despite saying that she'd never sleep with Kara, again proving she was whipped for the woman, the very thought of it made Lena groan softly in her sleep.
A couple hours later Lena had woken up because Kara had moved away from her, at first she was confused as to where she went until she saw her walking out of the bathroom, sleepily rubbing her eyes.

When she finally looked at Lena, a surprised look made its way to her face.

"You stayed"

"I did"

"I was almost seventy nine percent sure I was going to wake up alone"

"Well it looks like that other twenty one percent was more than likely huh?"

Kara nodded and smiled softly, coming to sit on the bed.

"You can leave now if you would like, I understand if you have no more interest in me"

Lena tilted her head and moved so she was closer to Kara.

"I'm definitely never going to lose interest in you, I wish you'd stop speaking like that"

"I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting this to happen so quickly, I've only been here a few weeks"

"But you've known me most of your life"

"And you've only just met me"

"I saw you weeks before I sent for you though"

"That was before you knew my story, you didn't know me know me, you just had a feeling, and now you just pity me"

"Kara I don't pity you, ever since I had that dream about you I've realized that feelings have developed, feelings I never expected to come, but you- then you told me your story, and then, then those feelings grew, I already told you, I feel disturbed about what happened to you but I don't pity you, that's not why I'm treating you like this, I'm treating you like this because I've realized you need it, I grew up without it, then you took me out of it at the most perfect time in my life, it's not too late Kara, let me do the same thing for you, let me give you the love I never had, the love you've given to me I'm very odd ways but you still made me feel better about myself I guess, not saying that you don't feel good about yourself but-"

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