Restless Nights

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Lena walked through the quiet halls of her large house, she was having a stressful morning and all she wanted was a moment to herself, no, a moment with Kara, she needed the blonde more than she'd like to admit right about now but something about being engulfed in a tight, warm hug made her feel better after a day of killing.

The clicking of her heels echoed in the hall until she made it into her room, she placed her gun in its designated spot and quickly kicked her heels off, she didn't have that much time before she had to go out again, an hour or two at most, but she wasn't going to waste any time relaxing, she peeled off her clothes and got into the bath that she told Kara to run for her just a few minutes before she got home, she sighed once the hot water hit her skin, it was freezing outside and although the cold didn't necessarily bother her, it still felt nice to get out of it.

When it was suddenly a little too quiet in the room, Lena called out for her blonde girlfriend, she smiled when she heard quick little footsteps making their way into her room and couldn't help but chuckle when she saw a head peek around the corner to look into the bathroom.

"You can come in Kara"

Kara quickly came into the bathroom and kneeled beside the tub, smiling when Lena took her dry hand and gently pet her hair, smoothing it down and out of her face.

"How is your day going so far?"

"Well I ate breakfast, and I sparred with Alex, and then I read a book, it was a beautiful book by the way, it's called the starless sea, have you ever read it?"

"I can't say that I have, no, you can tell me about it if you'd like"

"It's about a boy named Zachary who finds a story about his childhood and he's led to masked ball which also ends up leading him to a beautiful hidden labyrinth that's under threat, and he meets a bunch of mysterious people, it's really amazing, you should read it some time"

"I'll read it whenever I get a chance to, I'm glad you've found a liking to my library"

"Oh yes, I love your library, I didn't know how much I actually enjoyed reading until I went there, I'd rank it second place in what I love to do"

"What's in first?"


"And third?"

"Working out"

"Ah I see, would you do me a small favor?"

"Of course, what do you need me to do?"

"Go in the kitchen a grab my wine glass, then when you come back in here, open that cabinet right there, mhm that one, and give me the bottle of wine that's in there"

"You're not going to get drunk are you? Don't you have to leave in an hour? Lena you can't go out under the influence of alcohol, it could get you hurt"

"I appreciate your concern Kara but I have to drink before I go out for a late killing, otherwise I won't be able to function properly, so will you please go get my wine glass?"

"Yes Lena"

Kara was out in an instant, quick footsteps filled the hall and stop once they find their way into the kitchen, there was a loud slam of the cabinet closing in the silent house and soon the footsteps were back, quickly walking through the house until they made their way back into semi carpeted bathroom.

"This cabinet right?"

"Yes, that's the one"

Lena watched how carefully Kara grabbed the bottle and she smiled at the precautions that were taken to make sure she was pleased to the fullest extent.

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