The Love I Have For You

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"Lena, are you alright?"

Kara had read three books in a row while the young Luthor rested on her lap, she had gotten so lost in the world of fiction and literature that she had forgotten she was even there.

The hummed response she received let her know that Lena was still awake, but she was going to have to look at her to get a true answer.

"Can you sit up for me?"

Lena shook her head, not wanting to meet Karas eyes, she had been lost in her thoughts for awhile, arguing with herself for hours, she knew that Kara couldn't read her sometimes, but that didn't mean she wasn't afraid of risking it, especially after today.

"You've been quiet for so long I almost thought you were asleep, if it wasn't for you trailing your fingers across my thighs I'd have carried you to bed already."

She received another hummed response, she didn't want to push it, but she knew something was wrong.

"Would you like to talk about your feelings?"

Lena shook her head again, Kara expected it of course, but she needed to know what was going on through Lenas head, otherwise the woman would end up driving herself crazy.

"Why do you feel like you need to break me?"

Lena tensed up at the question, Kara thought she'd end up shutting down again but instead she started to speak up and actually answer the question.

"I don't think I need to, it's just that sometimes when I see you, no, most of the time when I see you, I want to take you, no matter where we are, because you're so pure, and all your feelings for me are real, but you're also incredibly ripped and you're so gorgeous, it's hard for me not to just-"

Lena groaned instead of finishing her sentence, but Kara felt her nails digging into her thigh, she could piece together the rest of her answer.

"Do you think you could explain your love for me?"

The brunette sighed, closing her eyes as she answered.

"I've never been in love before, and when I saw you at that coffee shop I knew there was something about you, I needed to have you, I didn't expect you to challenge my authority, I didn't expect you to make me question myself in a matter of days, but when you started showing up in my dreams, when you called to say you missed me, I knew that I was fucked, I've always known you were special but I didn't expect to fall in love with you, to fall in love with the two sides of you, and now that I have I don't know what to do, I can't be away from you, I don't know whether I want to bruise you up or have you throw me against a wall and show me who I'm dealing with, I don't know how to feel anymore, God Kara there's like this reoccurring feeling I get whenever I'm around you, and no matter what I do you're always so gentle towards me, you don't raise your voice, you've never hurt me, you're so perfect, so so perfect and it's driving me crazy."


"There's this fire you give me, most of the time I can't even figure out what to do or say when you're with me, I don't know what to do, I don't know what's wrong with me, it's so hard to refrain from just."

Kara watched as Lena stopped herself again, from talking that is, her nails on the other hand, never retreated from Karas thigh.

"It's only when you're soft, when you're to yourself, I just want to bring you out of it and kiss you all over, it's always aggressive, violent maybe, but then I see how good you are, and all I want to do is be gentle, you're so cute, it's not fair, but when you challenge me, fuck, I love that almost as much as I hate it, I've seen you break out of chains, and knowing that you'd willingly submit to me just drives me crazy, because I want that part of you gone, but whenever it comes out, I don't know how to feel, and then there's this part of you, and there's the part of you that made me feel grounded on Valentine's Day, and there's so many parts of you that just make my head spin, every day I'm with you I discover another part of you, another feeling for you, feelings I will only ever get when I'm around you, you make me so, happy? confused? I don't even know how to put these feelings into words."

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