Opening Up

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Lena woke up the next morning and the events of the night before immediately flooded her mind, she quickly got up and got ready for the day, it was her resting day, where she could usually relax and let the world go on without her, but she had Kara now, Kara changes everything.

As soon as she was done she went down to the kitchen, breakfast was on the table as always, she didn't really need help, but it didn't hurt sometimes, she grabbed a plate of food and went straight down to the basement, almost having a heart attack when she saw Kara sitting up and staring right at her.

"Jesse Christ Kara you almost gave me a heart attack!"

"I'm sorry, is that for me? I'm starving"

Lena walked over to the bed and handed Kara the plate, smiling softly.

"Ehm, how'd you sleep?"

"I slept okay, you kind of um stirred up my mind, but I slept well"

Lena nodded and looked down at her fingers.

"I can't stop thinking about you"

Kara tilted her head at the sudden confession, furrowing her eyebrows.


"You care so much about me, you're not my victim anymore, you're just mine, I don't know in what way yet but I'm going to let you come upstairs today, you don't deserve to be down here"

"By come upstairs do you mean for good?"

"As long as you behave then yes"

"Are we going to go up now?"

"We can go up after you get done eating"



"I don't like him, he's- he's bad"

"You won't even have to cross paths with him, he hasn't come back since yesterday"

"Do you think he's dead?"

"I hope not, but if he is then whoever killed him will take his place, they'll have to suffer"

"Because you want to kill him?"

"Not exactly, let's not talk about that okay?"

"Okay, can we talk about last night?"

Lena hesitated for a minute, she opened the door for conversation, she brought their relationship to a completely different level, what would they talk about? Sex? Cuts? Love? Oh God she wasn't ready for any of those, she knew where Kara was with her, she just didn't know where she was with Kara, she felt something for her, she definitely felt physical attraction, and Kara always made her feel good about herself, she technically saved her life, she was adorable when she talked about things she was passionate about, Lena didn't know, but she must've been silent for too long because Kara disregarded her question.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I get it if that was just something you did to get off your sexual frustrations, you probably just want me for that, is that what you meant? Because I'm here to please you right? So you don't see me as anything else, that's fine, I think maybe I would want to stay down here if that's the case, so I can get used to it you know? Because I don't want to um, you know, get more attached, because you're probably never going to feel like that with me, I mean why would you? You're a sweet, strong, intelligent and beautiful woman, and I'm just, well me"

Lena waited for Kara to get done talking before she gently grabbed her jaw.

"Hey, I don't know what I see you as, but I guarantee you it's not just for pleasure, it's not just to use you to get out my frustrations, you're a human being, a very special one at that, who am I to use you? I was just thinking, you didn't make me uncomfortable, you've never made me uncomfortable, nervous yes, flustered yeah, even scared maybe, but never uncomfortable, don't think like that alright? Or at least try not to, I love how good you are with communication, don't ever keep anything away from me, I always want to know what you feel okay?"

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