Change In Attitudes

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As the night passed inside the quiet library, Lenas emotions were starting to whirl about, she was no longer the soft Lena that Kara had learned to adore, she was the murderous and vicious Lena that had no problem with hurting Karas feelings to get her point across, luckily, Kara had prepared herself for this, she'd watched Lena manifest for the past few hours and was expecting her to snap soon.

"Do you want to sit down with me?"

"Why? So you can treat me like your pet? No thank you."

Kara tilted her head, she put her book down and walked across the room towards the door, she saw Lenas face drop but she continued to walk out of the library and climb down the ladder, expecting to hear footsteps following behind her.

She didn't wait for them though, she needed to let Lena know that her attitude would get her nowhere, so she continued to walk down the hall and into the kitchen, she had only just opened the fridge when she heard Lena step into the kitchen.

"Hi Lena."

"Stop talking to me."

Kara smiled and grabbed a bowl of fruit, she didn't even look at Lena as she walked back to the library, but she heard a sigh and soon after the quick footsteps of her stubborn girlfriend.

She made it back into her spot before Lena could reach the ladder and continued to read her book, which obviously seemed to annoy the young Luthor, but if she wanted attention, she definitely wasn't going to get it by acting like that.

Lena finally made it up the ladder and into the library, she stood over Kara with her arms crossed but her tough facade faded when those deep blue eyes snapped up at her.

"You're blocking my good light."

The brunette found herself lowering the second Kara spoke to her, she no longer cared for the small disagreement, all she wanted to do was feel Karas skin against hers.

Kara found herself smiling the second she felt Lenas head hit her chest, she quickly put her book down and wrapped her arms around the brunette, kissing her head.

Not even a minute later, Lenas lips were on her neck, doing everything but bruising the golden skin.

"Lena, what did we discuss yesterday, hm?"

"Don't care."


The tone was sharp, warning, but Lena paid no attention to it, she continued to plant kisses all over Karas neck, getting as close as she possibly could to her, but nothing seemed to be close enough to satisfy her needs.

Karas eyebrows furrowed at Lenas behavior, she was many things but clingy wasn't one of them.


Surprisingly, the brunette ignored her girlfriend, instead moving her hands down to toy with the hem of her shirt instead.

Kara quickly grabbed the wandering hands and leaned back against the wall, stopping Lenas actions.

"We're not doing this right now."

Lena huffed out in frustration, trying to get up from her spot, only growing even more frustrated when Kara held her down.

"Where are you running off to now?"

"To get a drink."

"Absolutely not, drinking puts you in a violent mood."

"I'm a serial killer Kara, violent is my middle name."

"Your middle name is Kieran."

Lena rolled her eyes and tried to get up again but Kara was strong, she held her still, not even giving her the slightest chance to move.

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